Quentin Leclerc is a mathematical modeller in infectious disease epidemiology at Institut Pasteur and CNAM. He is currently studying the potential impact of vaccination to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in healthcare environments, as part of the European project PrIMAVeRa.
As part of this project, he is working with Prof Lulla Opatowski (Institut Pasteur, UVSQ, INSERM), Prof Laura Temime (CNAM) and Prof Didier Guillemot (Institut Pasteur).
Previously, Quentin completed his PhD in infectious disease epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (UK), focusing on the dynamics of horizontal gene transfer of AMR by bacteriophage (transduction). His background covers both microbiology and epidemiology, with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research.
Alongside his focus on AMR, Quentin is broadly interested in infectious disease dynamics, microbiology, and bacteriophage.