April 2024. You can visit our new website for the Labex IBEID!
July 2023 A lot of excitment in the lab around iterative expansion microscopy! Vincent Louvel (University of Geneva) is training the team to make huge trypanosomes… and it works!
21/10/2021 Fantastic time at the cilia summer school in Carry-le-Rouet, interacting in the real life with the students of both the French and the European network! Many thanks to all the speakers and the students for their shared enthusiasm!
16/05/2021. Vaccinated! 24/07/2020. We had a visitor today! Delighted to see her doing so well in Geneva :)
24/06/2020. Happy to be back back physically in the lab and delighted to see colleagues in 3D again (although behind face masks)! A bit shocked with the page on the calendar with all these cancelled events…
23/09/2019. Honoured and excited to take over the direction of the Labex IBEID together with my friends Carla Saleh and Marco Vignuzzi. Our first Labex day was an exciting conference with great talks from guest speakers and Labex members. Thanks so much to Pascale Cossart and Philippe Sansonetti for having created this wonderful initiative. We’ll do our best to walk in their steps! You can follow Labex news on our new Twitter account.
23/03/2019. Had a lovely time at Oxford for the symposium in honour of Keith Gull. What a great meeting it was! It was like a family reunion. It was great seeing so many old friends, some of them I hadn’t seen in 20 years! Many thanks and congratulations to Sue Vaughan and Helen Banks for the perfect organisation.
26/02/19. Spent 2 great days in Grenoble learning about Toxoplasma with Ali Hakimi & Isabelle Tardieux, sperm flagella with Christophe Arnoult & Pierre Ray and MAPs with Annie Andrieux & Isabelle Arnal. I am jealous of the mountain view from their labs!
More news can be found on our Twitter account 1st June. Back from the EMBL Microtubule meeting in Heidelberg. A lot of new data and some promising novel techniques or approaches. Excellent talk of Tony Hyman who looked back at his career and put a lot of things in perspective. 21st-23rd March. Great visit in Oxford with multiple discussions at Oxford Brookes and at the William Dunn School of Pathology. The meeting with the UK Cilia Network was excellent too, with many interesting talks. We might be able to organise a joint meeting with our French network, that should be a lot of fun!
9th February. Interesting viva in Holland in the lab of Erwin Peterman with really cool stuff on IFT in C. elegans. Dress code is rather er… original!
24th November. Back from China after an exciting conference on protists in Guangzhou (Canton) and a thrilling visit at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Chinese research is getting better and better. 3rd October 2017. Organising the symposium Future of Parasitology was a lot of work but thanks to the support of Lucy, Rogerio and Sélima, it has been a success! December. Now this is the thesis month! 3 juries and 2 committees, with some really nice science from young scientists in Nice, Bordeaux, Lyon or Gif sur Yvette. November. This is the teaching month with lectures at UPMC, Cochin, La Pitié-Salpètrière, the Muséum of Natural History and the La Laguna University in Tenerife for the first RIIP-ULL course. 30th May: First visit in Saclay, promising interactions ahead… 28th May: Flurry of activities this month with writing-up and revision of multiple papers, the lab retreat and the Trypanosomatid meeting plus the Pasteur 2025 project! 1st March: Was part of the HDR committee of Marie Diogon (Frédéric Delbac’s lab) in Clermont-Ferrand where she presented intriguing data on the interactions between microsporidia, honeybees and pesticides. This is really complex, so important and actually shares some parallelisms with our work on trypanosomes and tsetse flies… 5th February: Excellent day in Grenoble for the public viva of Amandine Pitaval (Manuel Théry’s lab) who presented fascinated data on cilia formation and positioning in RPE1 cells grown on micro-patterns. 16th December. Busy trip in the USA, visiting Kent Hill and several other labs at UCLA before participating to the ASCB annual meeting in San Diego. Plenty of new ideas in mind… 15th October: We are back from an exciting meeting in Strasbourg on cilia, flagella and centrosomes that was organised by Vincent Marion with support from the GDR. Cécile and Eloïse gave oral presentations. We were in the parliament of the Alsace region, that was quite an experience! Jamin got the opportunity to meet Esben Lorentzen for the first time and we could discuss in details about the IFT172 project.