Trypanosomiasis (Sleeping sickness) [34]

Justine Escard
Group: Trypanosome transmission

Brice Rotureau

Hashem Almousa
Trypanosome Cell Biology
Cell and molecular biologist with expertise in a protein complex called TRAPP. Having earned a Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology from Concordia University (Montreal – Canada) in 2023, Hashem focused on characterizing TRAPPC10 […]

Anaïs Fauchois
Pathogen discovery
Anaïs obtained her master’s degree at the “National Museum of Natural History” in Paris. She worked in the lab of Philippe Grellier with Linda Duval, and she studied the diversity and host specificity of […]

Parul Sharma
Group: Trypanosome transmission
Parul graduated with a Master’s in Biomedical Science from the University of Glasgow. During her master’s, she worked in the laboratory of Dr. Richard McCulloch, and her projects focussed on the parasite Leishmania. She […]

Mariana De Niz
Mariana De Niz obtained her BSc(Hons) in Immunology from the University of Glasgow, Scotland in 2006. In 2010 she then went on to do an MSc in Control of Infectious Diseases at the London […]

Brice Rotureau • Lucy Glover

Daniel Abbühl
Trypanosome Cell Biology
Daniel obtained his Master’s degree in the lab of Isabel Roditi at the University of Bern (Switzerland). There he investigated the role of proteins associated with cyclic AMP signaling in an in vitro assay […]

Jean Marc Tsagmo Ngoune
Group: Trypanosome transmission
During his PhD at University of Yaoundé 1 in Cameroon, Jean Marc’s research was focussed on the investigation of the factors involved in the trypanosome transmission by tsetse flies on the field (natural condition). […]

Brice Rotureau • Lucy Glover • Marie-Noelle Ungeheuer • Noël Tordo

Brice Rotureau

U1201 – Genetic and molecular basis of host-parasite interactions
Artur Scherf

Infravec2 – Research Infrastructures for the Control of Vector-borne Diseases
Kenneth Vernick • Anna-Bella Failloux

Trypanosome Molecular Biology
Lucy Glover

Lucy Glover
Trypanosome Molecular Biology
Lucy Glover joined the Institut Pasteur in March 2016 as a G5 group leader to set up the Trypanosome Molecular Biology group. Lucy completed her Ph.D at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical […]