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© Christine Schmitt, Sophie Goyard, Jean-Marc Panaud
Trypanosoma vivax - forme sanguine. Responsable de la trypanosomose animale ou Nagana.
Scientific Fields




  • 2016: HDR – University Paris-Descartes V (10-03-2016)
  • 2012: DU Experimentation on Living Animals – University Paris-Descartes V
  • 2005: PhD in Life Sciences – University of French Guiana – Obtained with honours (11-29-2005)



  • 2020-…: Director of the Parasitology Unit at Institut Pasteur of Guinea, Conakry.
  • 2019-…: Director of Research at Institut Pasteur.
  • 2015-…: Head of the Trypanosome Transmission Group at Institut Pasteur.
  • 2011-2014: Permanent staff scientist at Institut Pasteur.
  • 2007-2011: Post-doctoral fellow in the Trypanosome Cell Biology Unit at Institut Pasteur.
  • 2006: Staff scientist in the International Department at the Institut de Veille Sanitaire, France.



  • ORCID 0000-0003-0671-8999, >60 publications, 4 books/chapters, >50 talks, 2 invention disclosures.
  • Associate Editor for Microbiol Spectrum (American Society for Microbiology, 2022-24) and Trop Med Infect Dis (Australasian College of Tropical Medicine, since 2020).
  • Frequent reviewer for Nat Comm, Sci Rep, Commun Biol, PLoS journals, Antimicrob Agents Chemother, Int J Parasitol, Cell Microbiol, MBio, ….
  • Project / candidate evaluator for grants and recruitments: ERC, Wellcome Trust, ANR, IRD, INSERM, IP CoReScif, IP PTR and ACIP, …
  • Invited expert at international scientific workshops (WHO, Aviesan, DNDi…) and PhD / HDR juries.
  • Member of the committee for recruitment and evaluation of IP researchers (SC6, 2024-2028).
  • SAB member of the LAMIVECT international consortium of 7 international research institutes in Western Africa and France (2017-23).
  • Member of the LabEx ParaFrap and LabEx IBEID networks.



  • 2023-…: Director of the IP MOOC on Neglected Tropical Diseases, IP-FunMOOC
  • 2022-…: Lecture in Parasitology in DIU at the Faculty of Medicine Pitié-Salpètrière, Paris (2h/y).
  • 2021-…: Lecture in Parasitology for the Microbiology Course at IP (2h/y).
  • 2020-…: Lecture in Parasitology in Master at University Gamal Abdel Nasser of Conakry (8-14h/y).
  • 2016-…: Lecture and MOOC for the Medical Entomology Course IRD-IP (2h/y).
  • 2015-…: Lectures in Parasitology in Master 2 at University Paris Saclay (2-6h/y).
  • 2006-…: Lectures in Parasitology, Ecology and Epidemiology in Licence and Master at ICES (10-30h/y).



  • 2023: Award of the French Academy of Medicine – Launois Prize.
  • 2017: Award of the French Academy of Medicine – Deschiens Prize.
  • 2011: Annual prize of the French Society of Parasitology for the best presentation.
  • 2009: Award of the French Academy of Medicine – Evian-les-Bains Prize.
  • 2008: Award of the Foundation for Medical Research (FRM) – Epidaure Prize for a young scientist in medicine and ecology – given by the French Minister of Ecology.
  • Society Memberships: French Society of Parasitology, British Society of Parasitology, Société Francophone de Médecine Tropicale et Santé Internationale, Réseau Francophone des Maladies Tropicales Négligées



  • Partner of the ANR-PRC 2024-28 TrypaDiff project
  • Coordinator of the ANR-PRC 2021-25 SherPa project
  • Coordinator of the BMGF-DNDi 2021-24 TrypSkin study
  • Partner of the ANR-PRC 2019-25 AdipoTryp project
  • Coordinator of the ANR-PRC 2018-24 TrypaDerm project



Development, transmission, diagnostics, and eco-epidemiology of trypanosomatid parasites causing NTDs

