Sequencing [162]
Eugene Gladyshev
Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics
Eugene Gladyshev obtained his Master degree from Yale University and PhD from Harvard University (under the supervision of Pr. Matthew Meselson). He subsequently joined the laboratory of Pr. Nancy Kleckner (Harvard University) as a […]
Lasse van Wijlick
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Lasse van Wijlick obtained his PhD at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf (Germany) in the unit of Prof. Joachim F. Ernst, working on transcriptional adaptation to host environmental conditions of the important human fungal pathogen […]
Charlotte Baliere
Environment and Infectious Risks
Microbiota of Insect Vectors
Mathilde Gendrin
Hugo Varet
Baptiste Saudemont
Synthetic Biology
D. Bikard’s team is studying the genetic systems that are emerging as a result of the arms race between bacteria and bacteriophages, and how these systems can be exploited as new biotechnological tools. In […]
Sequana: a set of flexible NGS pipelines
Thomas Cokelaer
Gaël Millot
Expertise group: Genomics
After being Associate Professor in Genetics at Paris VI for 13 years, I joined the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB at Institut Pasteur in september 2016. I “dropped the pipette” at that time to dedicate […]
Sequencing equipment • Illumina • NextSeq 500 system
Mutualized Platform for MicrobiologyMutualized Platform for Microbiology
Vincent Enouf
Gene expression profiling in germinal center B cells
Paulo Vieira
Hugo Varet • Marie-Agnès Dillies • Jean-Yves Coppee • Sean Kennedy
Diphtheria and Corynebacteria: genomics, evolution and epidemiology
Sylvain Brisse
Sebastian Baumgarten
Parasite RNA Biology
I was 100% sure that I would become an ocean explorer and marine biologist pretty much since I went to primary school. This dream was still very much alive when I started studying biology […]