Motifs and patterns detection [15]

Aude Bernheim
Molecular diversity of microbes
Aude Bernheim is a microbiologist interested in how bacteria fight off their viruses. She did her PhD in the Pasteur Institute in Paris studying the evolution of CRISPR-Cas systems and her post-doc in the […]

Camille Berthelot
Comparative Functional Genomics
Camille Berthelot wants to understand how changes in gene expression and gene regulation can result in the acquisition of new traits and diseases along evolution. During her PhD at ENS Paris, she examined the […]

Olivier Mirabeau
Brain-immune communication
to complete

Lise Frezal
Enteric Bacterial Pathogens

Applying machine learning to sequence analysis (PhD project)
Luc Blassel

Collection of the Institut Pasteur (CIP)
Meriem Paris

Yoann Dufresne
Sequence Bioinformatics

Uwe Maskos • Pierre-Jean Corringer • Marie-Agnès Dillies

Lasse van Wijlick
Lasse van Wijlick obtained his PhD at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf (Germany) in the unit of Prof. Joachim F. Ernst, working on transcriptional adaptation to host environmental conditions of the important human fungal pathogen […]

Thomas Cokelaer
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
I joined the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub at Institut Pasteur in 2016 and was detached to the Platform Biomics (http://biomics.pasteur.fr). Since Oct 2018, I am leading the SALSA group (a.k.a. dry-lab group) activities, which […]

Timea Marton
Genome integrity, Immunity and Cancer

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Marie-Agnès Dillies • Hervé Menager

Christophe Malabat
After a PhD in biochemistry of the rapeseed proteins, during which I developed my first automated scripts for handling data processing and analysis, I join Danone research facility center for developing multivariate models for […]