Analytical ultracentrifugation [24]

Antoine Gedeon

Membrane Biochemistry and Transport
Thomas Wollert

Thomas Wollert
Membrane Biochemistry and Transport
I am interested in molecular mechanisms involved in membrane biology of human cells. Biological membranes are fascinating structures and their complex interplay with a steadily increasing number of proteins build the foundation of organellar […]

Marco Bellinzoni

Biophysical characterization of the translocation process of Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase toxin CyaA
Alexandre Chenal

Sébastien Brûlé
Molecular Biophysics
I am working on the Molecular Biophysics platform (PFBMI)(see https://research.pasteur.fr/en/team/biophysics/). I got two main tasks in my work: I collaborate with research teams of Institut Pasteur and other research centers on the characterization of the […]

Bacterial transmembrane systems
Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre

Inosine-5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase
Hélène Munier-Lehmann

Nucleoside monophosphate kinases (NMPKs)
Hélène Munier-Lehmann

Group: Biochemistry and chemobiology
Hélène Munier-Lehmann

Signalling and Molecular interactions
Nicolas Wolff

Structural biology of metabolic enzymes and complexes
Marco Bellinzoni

Structural Microbiology
Pedro Alzari

Marco Bellinzoni
Structural biology of metabolic enzymes and complexes

Célia Caillet-Saguy
Humoral Immunology
I obtained a position as a researcher at the Institut Pasteur in 2014 by proposing a project on the subversion by viruses of signalling pathways involving PDZ-containing proteins. My current research is now part […]