Bacteria [375]

Shaynoor Dramsi
Group: Shaynoor Dramsi

Eric Legrand
Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines

Robert Weil
Genome integrity, Immunity and Cancer

Pierre-Jean Corringer
Signaling and receptors dynamics
I was trained as a chemist and did my PhD (Paris) and post-doctoral fellowship (Brighton) in organic synthesis. He then joined the Pasteur Institute as a CNRS researcher to work on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, […]

Pascale Cossart
Bacteria-Cell Interactions
Pascale Cossart has since 1986 investigated how bacterial pathogens interact with mammalian cells during infection. She has pioneered and documented in details how bacteria by using a multitude of complementary strategies, – including posttranslational […]

Pedro Alzari
Structural Microbiology

Ahmed Haouz

Emmanuel Frachon
Biomaterials and Microfluidics
Bioproduction and biomaterials. Microfluidic chips and devices. Project Management. Expertise and advice in robotic and automation projects. (Droplets microarray)

Bioanalyzer 2100 • Agilent • (Autonomous)
BiomicsBiomics – Wet-LabBiomics – Support-Lab
Arnaud Fontanet
Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases
I am a medical epidemiologist (MD in 1988 at Paris V, specialisation in rheumatology in 1990, Paris V, and DrPH from Harvard School of Public Health in 1993) specialized in infectious diseases epidemiology. After […]

Caroline Charlier-Woerther • Marc Lecuit

Bacteria-Cell Interactions
Pascale Cossart

Signaling and receptors dynamics
Pierre-Jean Corringer

Genomes and Genetics
The teams of the department Genomes & Genetics are interested by questions related to gene regulation and evolutionary dynamics, including: Replication fidelity. Quality control of gene expression. Genetic diversity of populations and its impact […]