Since its discovery in 1926, the Listeria monocytogenes virulence factors have been shown to exert their activity by targeting host cells and tissues, or by protecting bacteria from host factors. In a study that we recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (Quereda JJ et al. PNAS 2016 May 2. pii: 201523899, PMID: 27140611) we identify the first antibiotic secreted by epidemic L. monocytogenes strains, Listeriolysin S, which is a bacteriocin that alters the host intestinal microbiota and promotes infection.
© © Institut Pasteur/Matteo Bonazzi et Edith Gouin
Visualization of actin comet tails stained with two different antibodies against actin (Green and Red) in PtK2 cell infected with Listeria monocytogenes (Blue)
(unité Intéractions Bactéries-Cellules en collaboration avec la Plate-Forme )d'Imagerie Dynamique)