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2025PI3K/AKT signaling controls ICM maturation and proper epiblast and primitive endoderm specification in mice., Dev Cell 2025 Jan; 60(2): 204-219.e6.
2024Molecular and epistatic interactions between pioneer transcription factors shape nucleosome dynamics and cell differentiation, 2024.
2022H3K9 tri-methylation at Nanog times differentiation commitment and enables the acquisition of primitive endoderm fate., Development 2022 Sep; 149(17): .
2022OCT4 activates a Suv39h1-repressive antisense lncRNA to couple histone H3 Lysine 9 methylation to pluripotency., Nucleic Acids Res 2022 07; 50(13): 7367-7379.
2021Microfabricated Device for High-Resolution Imaging of Preimplantation Embryos., Methods Mol. Biol. 2021 ; 2214(): 11-30.
2020Direct Readout of Neural Stem Cell Transgenesis with an Integration-Coupled Gene Expression Switch., Neuron 2020 Jun; (): .
2020Compensation between Wnt-driven tumorigenesis and cellular responses to ribosome biogenesis inhibition in the murine intestinal epithelium, Cell Death Differ. 2020 Apr;.
2019CTCF confers local nucleosome resiliency after DNA replication and during mitosis, Elife 2019 Oct;8.
2019PDGF signaling in primitive endoderm cell survival is mediated by PI3K-mTOR through p53-independent mechanism, Stem Cells 2019 Mar;.
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