Stem cell biology [90]

AFM-Trampolin: Cellular and genetic basis for robustness of cranial myogenic populations (ENCRYPT)
Glenda Comai

ANR-JCJC: Mechanisms defining functional heterogeneity of anatomically distinct myogenic populations (MUSE)
Glenda Comai

Despoina Mademtzoglou
Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Analytics
Following 13 years in research organizations of four countries and a year in a contract research organization-CRO, I am currently working on research management within the Institut Pasteur. My background is in toxicology (pregraduate […]

Remigiusz Walocha
Biomaterials and Microfluidics

Deconstructing the role of SUMO on chromatin in cell identity and tissue repair (ERC-2018-AdG SUMiDENTITY)
Anne Dejean

Violaine Saint-André
Translational Immunology
Passionate about gene expression regulation, I performed my PhD in epigenetics at Institut Pasteur. During my PhD, I contributed to the discovery of a new mechanism of alternative splicing regulation, involving histone protein post-translational […]

Tatiana Traboulsi
UTechS Single Cell Biomarkers
Tatiana obtained her Ph.D. from the Université de Montréal (Canada), for her work on the mechanism of action of pure antiestrogens in breast cancer cells, in the research unit of Prof. Sylvie Mader at […]

Rémi-Xavier Coux
Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells – EPIC
Rémi obtained his Bachelor and Master’s degrees from the Magistère Européen de Génétique, Université Paris Diderot specializing in Developmental Genetics. He joined the lab of Pr. Ruth Lehmann (Skirball Institute, New York University School […]

Maria Alexandra Rujano
Structures and signals in the neurogenic niche
I was born in Merida-Venezuela, where I completed my undergraduate studies at the Los Andes University. I did my PhD in the lab of Harrie Kampinga at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, […]

Kenzo-Hugo Hillion
Expertise group : WINTER – Web integration
After a Master degree in Genetics at Magistère Européen de Génétique, Paris Diderot, I did a second Master in bioinformatics at University of Nantes where I focused my work on the study of mapping […]

Samy Gobaa

Advanced 3D Cell Culture Systems
We provide a library of 3D cell culture scaffolds with tunable biophysical and biochemical properties.

Biomaterials and Microfluidics
Samy Gobaa

Marie Le Bouteiller
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology