Lulla Opatowski is professor in Mathematical Epidemiology (University of Versailles Saint Quentin – UVSQ).
My main research interests are in mathematical modelling of infectious disease and statistical inference, with a particular interest in bacterial resistance to antimicrobials (including antibiotics and vaccines) and host-pathogen-pathogen interactions. My main projects include:
- Pathogens interactions: Modelling between-pathogen interactions within the respiratory tract, in particular virus-virus and virus-bacteria interactions, such as those between Streptococcus pneumoniae and respiratory viruses (Influenza, RSV and other respiratory viruses).
- Microbiome and pathogens acquisition: Building models to study the dynamic of microbiota and the potential factors leading to the acquisition of pathogens and specifically antibiotic resistant bacteria
- Nosocomial / health-care associated infections: modelling analysis of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in hospitals. This includes both theoretical models and the analysis of strains transmission routes from detailed proximity contact data and colonisation of S. aureus and Enterobacteriales
- Transmission of antibiotic resistant bacteria in households: We use models to track the transmission of bacterial strains and resistance genes between individuals in households in France and Madagascar
- One health dissemination of AMR: Modelling selection, persistence and transmission of antibiotic resistance genes and species in different reservoirs and across them (effluents, animals, humans)
- Impact of vaccination: study of multi-strain models (pneumococcus and HPV) and impact of vaccines on antibiotic resistance
- Respiratory viruses, including SARS-COV-2: we analyse the risk of transmission of the virus in populations with a particular focus on small populations such as health care settings (within patients and health care worker) or households
Team members:
- Maria Alexa
- Auguste Caen (Inrae)
- Sophie Chervet
- Nathanaël Hoze
- Aleksandra Kovacevic
- Maylis Layan (Le Cnam)
- Quentin Leclerc
- Aurélie Maurin (Le Cnam)
- Eve Rahbé
- George Shirreff
- Camille Schneider
Former team members:
- Hélène Arduin, PhD student
- Jonathan Bastard, PhD student
- Audrey Duval, PhD student
- Xuefeng Gao, Postdoc
- Rania Assab, PhD student
- Matthieu Domenech de Celles, Postdoc
- Paul Henriot, Engineer
- Mélanie Bonneault, PhD student
- Ajmal Oodally, Postdoc
- Pachka Hammami, Postdoc
- Thomas Haschka, Postdoc
- David Smith, PhD student
- Romain Narci, Postdoc