Diarrhea [27]

Bruno Dupuy
Pathogenèse des Bactéries Anaérobies

Jost Enninga
Dynamique des interactions hôte-pathogène
Jost studied biochemistry at the University of Hannover and at the Medical School of Hannover (MHH), in Germany. For his Masters thesis and his Ph.D. studies, he joined the Laboratory of Cell Biology at […]

Sarah Vozlinsky
Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en EN.

Laurent Debarbieux
Bactériophage, bactérie, hôte

Tamara Giles-Vernick
Anthropologie et Ecologie de l’Emergence des Maladies
Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en EN.

Marc Lecuit
Biologie des Infections
Marc Lecuit, MD, PhD, is a microbiologist and an infectious diseases physician. He is the Director of the Biology of Infection Unit at the Institut Pasteur and Inserm (U1117) and of the Listeria National […]

Laurence Mulard
Groupe : Carbohydrates et Glycoconjugués

Philippe Sansonetti
Santé Mère-Enfant
Philippe J. Sansonetti, MS, MD, is a microbiologist, Professor at the Pasteur Institute and the Collège de France in Paris. He is the Director of the Inserm Unit 786 and of the Institut Pasteur […]

Phanramphoei Frantz
Laboratoire commun Institut Pasteur-Oncovita

Arnaud Fontanet
Epidémiologie des Maladies Emergentes
I am a medical epidemiologist (MD in 1988 at Paris V, specialisation in rheumatology in 1990, Paris V, and DrPH from Harvard School of Public Health in 1993) specialized in infectious diseases epidemiology. After […]