Bioconvert is a collaborative project to facilitate the interconversion of life science data from one format to another.
Life science uses many different formats. They may be old, or with complex syntax and converting those formats may be a challenge. bioconvert aims at providing a common tool / interface to convert life science data formats from one to another.
Many convertion tools already exist but they may be dispersed, focused on few specific formats, difficult to install, or not optimised. With bioconvert, we plan to cover a wide spectrum of format convertions; we will re-use existing tools when possible and provide facilities to compare different conversion tools or methods via benchmarking. New implementations are provided when considered better than existing ones.
Currently (Aug 2019), we have 47 formats, 97 direct conversions (much more are possible calling bioconvert several times).
If you are interested to join the project, please contact us on the github repository: