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Un petit guide pour l'utilisation de la recherche avancée :

  • Tip 1. Utilisez "" afin de chercher une expression exacte.
    Exemple : "division cellulaire"
  • Tip 2. Utilisez + afin de rendre obligatoire la présence d'un mot.
    Exemple : +cellule +stem
  • Tip 3. Utilisez + et - afin de forcer une inclusion ou exclusion d'un mot.
    Exemple : +cellule -stem
e.g. searching for members in projects tagged cancer
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© Sophie Novault, Institut Pasteur


La plateforme de Cytométrie est une plateforme de haute technologie en cytométrie et tri haute vitesse. La plateforme de Cytométrie a comme objectif le développement du savoir-faire et la transmission des connaissances en matière d’analyse multiparamétrique et de tri Cellulaire, pour la recherche, l’enseignement et le transfert de technologies La recherche fondamentale et appliquée y sont particulièrement dynamiques, et réalisées en partenariat avec les universités, l’INSERM et le CNRS.

Nous vous invitons à consulter la version anglaise de notre site: Cytometry Platfrom https://research.pasteur.fr/en/team/cytometry/


Booking site

Need training? Someone to look over your data? Panel design? Teaching? Help to plan your experiment? Got a new application or developing a new technique and you’d like to set up a collaboration with us?

Contact us (pfc@pasteur.fr) to discuss all aspects of flow cytometry, from feasibility to execution: theory teaching, instrument training, advice with sample preparation are some of the steps on which the cytometry team can help you. We are available for departmental seminars, advanced user training  and other outreach activities (secondary and undergraduate teaching). Engage the experts and ensure that your flow cytometry experimentation is done right, is reproducible and publishable.
Training for automomous use of the equipment
Assistance for using a cytometer
Advice and technical support
Scientific collaborations
Access to different data analysis software
Protocols and Cytometry Tutorials
Cytometry Glossary

Training @ Teaching

TRAINING The team provides training for the technologies and data-analysis. The trainings are scheduled on a monthly basis. Theoretical and hands-on training sessions are designed for basic and advanced autonomous users. All trainings are […]

Use Fees

Tarification 2024


Booking site

Twice a week, our morning routine at the flow cytometry core facility starts roughly at 9:30, and we basically have 2 hours to set up all the instruments, do the fluidics cleaning and quality control checks, so that we make sure that the instruments are performing well for the researchers that typically arrive around 11:30 to start their experiments.

Cell Sorters
Cytometry staff are highly experienced in multicolor immune cell sorting of human and mouse cells, bacteria, virus, and others sub-cellular particules. We provide support for RNA Seq applications (sorting in bulk or in 384-well plates).
We propose cell sorting instrumentations in BSL1 and BSL2 environments (see individual equipment description).

Cell Analyzers
The Cytometry platform offers a range of conventional and spectral cytometers covering the multitude of applications requested by our researchers. We propose instrumentations in BSL1, BSL2 and BSL2+ environments (see individual equipment description).
Conventional Flow Cytometry
Today, available instruments are designed to detect up to 50 different bio‐markers on an individual cell. Typically these markers are fluorescent antibodies, molecular sensors, or genetically encoded reporters. Our high-parameter flow cytometers are powerful analytical tools that enable scientists to identify and analyze distinct phenotypes in heterogeneous populations.
Spectral Flow Cytometry
Since 2016, we have developed our expertise in spectral cytometry.
For spectral flow cytometry, the “one detector, one marker” paradigm is not true anymore.
Spectral Cytometry is an emerging technology that revolutionizes the cytometry by identifying specific fluorochrome “signatures”and by eliminating need for compensation. These instruments employs a prism array to disperse the collected light over a 32 channel PMT. The measured spectra from single cells are subsequently unmixed by using reference spectra of all used dyes and autofluorescence spectrum. Least Square Fitting algorithms are used to calculate the most accurate fit for all reference spectra, leading to an accurate determination of which dyes are present on each cell and at which intensity. These capabilities allow the detection of really close emission spectra dyes to achieve greater flexibility for panel design and more accurate visualization of results. The sensitivity is increased by removal of auto-fluorescence.




Montrer la localisation des équipements Cacher la localisation

VideoDrop • •

Measuring Size and Concentration of NANOparticules Results in real time, without labelling or purification steps. Videodrop films in real time biological nanoparticles between 80 nm & 500 nm and provides a microscopic view up […]

Big Foot • •

Key System Specifications Six-way sorter. Sort rates exceeding 70,000 events per second, and analysis rates greater than 100,000 events per second. Multi-well sorting into 96-well, 384-well plates. Straight-down sorting into 1536-well plates. (4x simultaneous […]

NanoFCM • NanoFCM Co. Ltd •

The NanoAnalyzer  is a dedicated flow cytometer built specifically for analyzing nano-sized particles such as extracellular vesicles (EVs), viruses, nanoparticles, based on light scattering and fluorescence for the  detection of single virions or EVs […]

2 • Spectral Analysers • Sony •

ID 7000 6 lasers (325nm, 355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 637nm) which allow for full spectral detection of the resulting emission spectral. BSL2+ : P2+ pathogens and blood ID 7000 Optical Configuration

CytoFlex S – Cytometer • Beckman Coulter •

4  lasers (405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 638nm) and 13 fluorescent detectors. This analyser is under a P2 PSM : P2 pathogens and Blood plate analysis Software : CytExpert CytoFlex S Optical Configuration   

LSR Fortessa – Cytometer • BD •

5 laser (355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 640nm) and 18 fluorescent detectors No pathogens – No Blood Software : Diva 8 LSR Fortessa Optical Configuration      BD LSR Fortessa cytometer technical poster showing optical […]

Symphony A5 – Cytometer • BD •

5 laser (355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 637nm) and 31 fluorescent detectors No pathogens – No Blood Software : Diva 8 Web site BD FACSymphony : Symphony A5 Flow Cytometer FACSymphony A5 Optical Configuration    […]

Symphony S6 – Cell sorter • BD •

5 lasers (355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, and 637nm) and 29 fluorescent detectors BSL2+ : P2+ pathogens and blood Nozzle sizes : 70um; 85um; 100um; 130um Sorting : 1 to 6 way for tubes and […]

FACSAria Fusion – Cell sorters • BD •

The BD FACSAria™ Fusion Flow Cytometer provides sensitivity for multicolor and sorting applications. The fusion of safety, performance and sorting The BD FACSAria™ Fusion Flow Cytometer combines sorting capabilities with best-in-class biosafety expertise for […]

3 • FACSAria III – Cell sorters • BD •

BD FACSAriaIII™ sorters Family Those instruments can be used by independent researchers or as an assisted service. We propose access to 3 FACSAria III cell sorters for bulk or single-cell sorting. BD web site : Technical […]

2 • Astrios High Speed Sorter • Beckman Coulter • MoFlo EQ

The MoFlo Astrios is created by Beckman Coulter’s compagny. This is a jet-in-the-air sorter and has 5 or 7 lasers (UV, violet, red, blue and yellow-green) and two light scatter parameter can be measured […]

2 • AutoMACS Pro • Miltenyi Biotec •

Rapid magnetic enrichment or depletion of cell populations Easy cell separation  with the autoMACS® Pro Separator. Reduce your manual handling steps, save time, and count on greater reliability, reproducibility, and standardization. The autoMACS® Pro […]


  • FlowJO, supervised & unsupervised flow cytometry data analysis
  • OMIQ unsupervised datas analysis
  • EasyPanel panel design assisted solution



We offer you various tools to optimize your cytometry experiments:
Cytometry Memory Aid poster
Several cytometry protocols (antibody titration, apoptosis, cell cycle, isolation of PBMCs, calcium analysis, membrane permeability, etc…)





The flow cytometry facility organizes various courses in flow cytometry every year. We offer basic training to users for a range of instruments, assays, and software. Our courses involve the fundamental aspects of flow cytometry and its applications and there are practical sessions. The facility also offers tailor-made training courses.

Registered users can see all training request types in PPMS: https://ppms.eu/pasteur/login/?pf=10


Basics of Cytometry TRAINING

This training is addressed to those who are new to flow cytometry and want to understand the basics of the technology before attending instrument operating training.

The course starts with an introduction to this quickly evolving technology, its importance and the resources that are available. One of the main goals of this course is to give the participants a firm understanding of fluorescence, fluorochromes and the working of a cytometer. This theoretical part is followed by a practical session on the instrument, focused on experiment set up, fluorescence compensations, basics of experimental design and reporting of your flow cytometry data.

This training is mandatory for all new users in flow cytometry. It is also highly recommended that all new users with low experience in flow cytometry attend this training before attending other training modules. This confirms that the basics of flow cytometry have been grasped before going to more advanced topics and trainings.

This 1-day course covers the fundamentals of the technology and builds up the knowledge of the delegates through a series of lectures, exercises, practical examples, and interactive learning.

The learning objectives of this training are :
Gain an overview of the technology and its applications
Understand how a cytometer works
Recognize the need for good sample preparation
Understand the principle of fluorescence compensation
Be able to design a simple flow cytometry experiment, and understand the importance of fluorochrome choice
Have a greater understanding on how to optimize your results
 Be able to communicate your results to your peers


We provide training for operating our 4-laser 13-parameter cytometers.
Details: instrument training provided upon request.
Prerequisite: basics of cytometry training.
Duration: 4hr of theoretical/ hands on session.
Location: Flow Cytometry Platform (FJ level 1).
Register: facility users can request training using the PPMS training request form.


 BD Fortessa/ Symphony A5 TRAINING
We provide training for operating our 5-laser 18 or 30-parameter cytometers.
Details: instrument training provided upon request.
Prerequisite: basics of cytometry training.
Duration: 2hr of theoretical session, 1 day of hands on session.
Location: Flow Cytometry pf (FJ level 1).
Register: facility users can request training using the PPMS training request form.


 BD AriaIII/ Fusion/Symphony S6 TRAINING
We provide training for operating our 5-laser 18 or 30-parameters cell sorters.
Details: instrument training provided upon request.
Prerequisite: basics of flow cytometry, DIVA software, PMTs & compensation settings, Panel design, experiment set up.
Duration: 2hr of theoretical session, 1 day of hands on session.
Location: Flow Cytometry pf (FJ level 1).
Register: facility users can request training using the PPMS training request form.


 FlowJO basic TRAINING
We provide training for various kinds of analysis software, including FlowJo analysis of flow cytometry data.
Prerequisite: FlowJo tutorials and online webinars.
Duration: 1 day of hands on session.
Location: Pasteur n°20.
Register: facility users can request training using the PPMS training request form.


 FlowJO plugins TRAINING
We provide training for unsupervised analysis by using R packages
Details: instrument training provided upon request.
Prerequisite: flowJO basics.
Duration: 1 day of hands on session.
Location: Pasteur n°20.
Register: facility users can request training using the PPMS training request form.


We provide training for various kinds of analysis software, including FlowJo analysis of flow cytometry data.
Prerequisite: FlowJo tutorials and online webinars.
Duration: 1 day of hands on session.
Location: Flow Cytometry pf (FJ level 1).
Register: facility users can request training using the PPMS training request form.



Phone: +33 (0)1 45 68 82 31 or +33 (0)1 45 68 85 38

Email: pfc@pasteur.fr

Address: 25-28 Rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 Paris, France