Protein expression [48]
Corynebacteria of the diphtheriae complex
The French National Reference Center for diphtheria (officially: the NRC for Corynebacteria of the diphtheriae complex; web pages in French) operates under the mandate of Public Health France (Santé publique France). Its missions are to diagnose […]
Signalling and Molecular interactions
Nicolas Wolff
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Marie-Agnès Dillies • Hervé Menager
Olivier Leclercq
Signalling and host-parasite interactions
Olivier Leclercq started his career at the Institut Pasteur in 2005 working on mutation phenomena during somatic hypermutation in the unit of Biochemistry and Genetics of Development, headed by Pr F. Rougeon. In 2009, […]
François Déjardin
Production and Purification of Recombinant Proteins Technological Platform
After obtained my BTS in biotechnology in 2007, I received my Master degree in molecular biology and biochemistry from the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France) in 2012. Then I joined the Institut Pasteur as […]
Anne Marie Wehenkel
Bacterial Cell Cycle Mechanisms
Marco Bellinzoni
Structural biology of metabolic enzymes and complexes
Laurent Dacheux
Environment and Infectious Risks
Laurent Dacheux obtained his doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PharmD) in 2000 at the University of Sciences and Techniques of Tours, France, after defending his thesis on anticancer immunotherapy and pharmacogenetics. More precisely, he had […]
Olivier Dussurget
Group : Bacterial Pathogenesis and Antibacterial Agents
In a globalized world heading for a post-antibiotic era, refined understanding of human, animal and environmental interactions with pathogenic bacteria is of utmost importance. The primary aim of our research is to discover bacterial […]
Olivera Francetic
Macromolecular Systems
Christophe Malabat
After a PhD in biochemistry of the rapeseed proteins, during which I developed my first automated scripts for handling data processing and analysis, I join Danone research facility center for developing multivariate models for […]
Deshmukh Gopaul
Design for Biology
Aziz El Amraoui
Progressive Sensory Disorders, PathoPhysiology and Therapy
After a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Lyon-I in 1995, Dr Aziz El-Amraoui joined the Institut Pasteur (Paris) where resorting to dozen identified deafness genes as entry points has enabled him to […]
Najma Rachidi
Signalling and host-parasite interactions
Dr. Najma Rachidi is a senior Researcher and the leader of the molecular parasitology team in the PARSIG unit. Her team investigates Host-pathogen interactions to (i) understand how Leishmania survives in immune cells, which […]