Multidimensional data analysis [29]
Hanna Julienne
Statistical Genetics
I am seeking to apply my knowledge in computer science and statistics to understand real world data. I have an interdisciplinary background spanning complex systems, Big Data, machine learning, biostatistics and genomics. I have […]
Jean-Yves Tinevez • Spencer Shorte
Emeline Perthame
Expertise group : Stats
I am a research engineer with a background in applied Mathematics. I have been working at Institut Pasteur since 2017, as a member of the Statistics Group of the Hub of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics. I […]
Vincent Guillemot
Expertise group : SysBio – System Bioinformatics
I am currently a biostatistician in the Hub of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics. Before that, I worked at the Brain and Spine Institute (Paris, France), NeuroSpin (Saclay, France) and in the Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich, […]
Biomaterials and Microfluidics
Samy Gobaa
INCEPTION – Institut Convergence for the study of Emergence of Pathology Through Individuals and Populations
IINCEPTION Goal The Inception aims to develop a core structure to mobilize data resources, numerical sciences, and fundamental experimental biology in various health issues (Official website here: The inception program uses Integrative Biology, […]
Zebrafish Neurogenetics
Laure Bally-Cuif
Thomas Cokelaer
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
I joined the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub at Institut Pasteur in 2016 and was detached to the Platform Biomics ( Since Oct 2018, I am leading the SALSA group (a.k.a. dry-lab group) activities, which […]
Amine Ghozlane
Expertise group: Genomics
Après une thèse d’informatique sur l’analyse de graphes de réseaux métaboliques et interactions des petits ARN avec les ARN messagers, j’ai effectué un premier post-doc dans l’équipe DSIMB (INTS) sur la modélisation structurale des […]
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Marie-Agnès Dillies • Hervé Menager
Christophe Malabat
After a PhD in biochemistry of the rapeseed proteins, during which I developed my first automated scripts for handling data processing and analysis, I join Danone research facility center for developing multivariate models for […]