Bioimage analysis [122]

Brice Rotureau
Group: Trypanosome transmission

Benoît Besson
Lyssavirus epidemiology and neuropathology

Pedro Escoll
Metabolic host-bacteria interactions
Pedro Escoll received his B.Sc. in Biology from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and obtained his Ph.D. in Immunology in the laboratory of Antonio de la Hera and Eva Sanz at Alcala University, Madrid, Spain, […]

Franck Verdonk
Molecular Mechanisms of Pathological and Physiological Ageing

Olivier Dussurget
Group : Bacterial Pathogenesis and Antibacterial Agents
In a globalized world heading for a post-antibiotic era, refined understanding of human, animal and environmental interactions with pathogenic bacteria is of utmost importance. The primary aim of our research is to discover bacterial […]

Neetu Gupta-Rossi
Membrane Traffic and Cell Division
The full Midbody Remnant proteome identified from Hela cells, named Flemmingsome can be found here: https://flemmingsome.pasteur.cloud/

Franck Coumailleau
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology

Jean-Pierre Levraud
Group: Response to Infection in the Whole Organism
After graduating as an engineer from Ecole Polytechnique, Jean-Pierre Levraud obtained a PhD in Immunology at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (then Paris VI) in 1997, working on anti-tumor T cell immunity under the […]

Olivier Disson
Biology of infection

Marc Lecuit
Biology of infection
Marc Lecuit, MD, PhD, is a microbiologist and an infectious diseases physician. He is the Director of the Biology of Infection Unit at the Institut Pasteur and Inserm (U1117) and of the Listeria National […]

Nathalie Sauvonnet
Biomaterials and Microfluidics
Intracellular traffic and cell compartmentalization Eukaryotic cells contain extensive internal membranes defining many compartments having each specific functions. However these organelles are constantly moving and reshaping, still retaining their identity. The maintenance of cell […]

François Schweisguth
Dynamics of Developmental Decisions in Drosophila
Francois Schweisguth studied at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris (1983-88) and obtained a PhD in Developmental Biology in 1990 under the supervision of Jean-Antoine Lepesant (IJM, Paris) and Alain Vincent (CBD, Toulouse). He […]

Gérald Spaeth
U1201 – Genetic and molecular basis of host-parasite interactions
Dr. Gerald Späth currently holds a Research Director position at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, where he directs the Unit ‘Parasitologie moléculaire et Signalisation’ (12 members) and the Department ‘Parasites and Insect Vectors’ (ca. […]

Najma Rachidi
Signalling and host-parasite interactions
Dr. Najma Rachidi is a senior Researcher and the leader of the molecular parasitology team in the PARSIG unit. Her team investigates Host-pathogen interactions to (i) understand how Leishmania survives in immune cells, which […]

Glenda Comai
Stem Cells And Development
Glenda Comai is a CNRS permanent researcher at the Stem Cells and Development Unit. Her current research bridges the developmental biology and stem cells fields with focus on craniofacial muscles. Using 3D-imaging, mouse genetics […]