How sensory information is processed and how it is modulated by other brain areas is a key question in systems neuroscience. The long-term goal of our research is to understand how neuronal networks in different parts of the brain interact during perception and how this interplay forms the basis of learning and decision-making. Using two and three-photon imaging, holography, multi electrode recordings, optogenetics, intracellular patch clamp recordings and psychophysics, we are investigating how cortical microcircuits interact to produce a behavioral output.
Former Members
Transversal Project
2024Coexistence of state, choice, and sensory integration coding in barrel cortex LII/III, Nat Commun 15, 4782 (2024).
2024Coexistence of state, choice, and sensory integration coding in barrel cortex LII/III., Nat Commun 2024 Jun; 15(1): 4782.
2023Imaging the brain in action: a motorized optical rotary joint for wide field fibroscopy in freely moving animals., Neurophotonics 2023 Jan; 10(1): 015009.
2021Functional and Structural Properties of Highly Responsive Somatosensory Neurons in Mouse Barrel Cortex., Cereb Cortex 2021 May; (): .
2020Pupillary dilations of mice performing a vibrotactile discrimination task reflect task engagement and response confidence., Front. Behav. Neurosci., 03 September 2020 ;
2019An arbitrary-spectrum spatial visual stimulator for vision research., Elife 2019 09; 8(): .
2019The very large electrode array for retinal stimulation (VLARS) – a concept study, J Neural Eng 2019 Sep;.
2018Spikeling: A low-cost hardware implementation of a spiking neuron for neuroscience teaching and outreach., PLoS Biol 2018 10; 16(10): e2006760.
2018Zebrafish Differentially Process Color across Visual Space to Match Natural Scenes., Curr Biol 2018 07; 28(13): 2018-2032.e5.
2017Deviant Processing in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex, Cereb. Cortex 2017 Jan;27(1):863-876.
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3D reconstruction of a somatosensory cortex neuron functionally imaged in-vivo and recorded and stained in-vitro.