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Transversal Project

NextSeq2000 • Illumina • (Autonomous)
Description The NextSeq 2000 is a medium throughput NGS sequencer using the same types of libraries as other Illumina sequencers. Its multiple cassettes make it very flexible (virus -> human). Usage For autonomous use […]

Qubit • Invitrogen • (Autonomous)
Description Qubit (v4) doses nucleic acids and proteins in a sensitive and specific way: accurately measures the concentration of nucleic acids, whether they are double-stranded DNA, single-stranded DNA, total RNA, microRNA and proteins, even […]

COVARIS • E220 • (Autonomous)
Description Covaris is recognized as the reference for DNA fragmentation. Adaptive Focused Acoustics technology (AFA™) allows precise control of the mechanical fragmentation of DNA. In addition, this process is isothermal, so it does not […]

iSeq100 • Illumina • (Autonomous)
ISeq 100 Description The ISeq 100 is a low output NGS sequencer using the same types of libraries as the other Illumina sequencers. It is particularly suitable for WGS […]

NextSeq500 • Illumina • (Autonomous)
Description The NextSeq 500 is a medium throughput NGS sequencer using the same types of libraries as other Illumina sequencers. Its multiple cassettes make it very flexible (virus -human). Usage For autonomous use […]

Bioanalyzer 2100 • Agilent • (Autonomous)
Bioanalyzer (Analyse des acides nucléiques) Description The Bioanalyzer 2100 is dedicated to miniaturized electrophoresis in a network of microcapillary channels. DNA, RNA and even proteins can be analyzed on single-use chips called “Lab-On-a-Chips”. […]
2021How Did Institut Pasteur’s NGS Core Facility, Biomics, Manage the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Crisis?, J Biomol Tech 2021 07; 32(2): 50-56.
2021Genetic evidence suggests a sense of family, parity and conquest in the Xiongnu Iron Age nomads of Mongolia., Hum Genet 2021 Feb; 140(2): 349-359.
2020SHAMAN: a user-friendly website for metataxonomic analysis from raw reads to statistical analysis., BMC Bioinformatics 2020 Aug; 21(1): 345.
2019A microbiota-generated bile salt induces biofilm formation in Clostridium difficile., NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes 2019 05; 5(1): 14.
2019Genetic kinship and admixture in Iron Age Scytho-Siberians., Hum Genet 2019 Apr; 138(4): 411-423.
2016Development of a candidate reference material for adventitious virus detection in vaccine and biologicals manufacturing by deep sequencing., Vaccine 2016 Apr; 34(17): 2035-43.
2015Multilocus sequence analysis of the genus Citrobacter and description of Citrobacter pasteurii sp. nov., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2015 May; 65(Pt 5): 1486-1490.
2013Advances in the research of melatonin in autism spectrum disorders: literature review and new perspectives, Int J Mol Sci 2013 Oct;14(10):20508-42.
2013Differential contributions of STAT5A and STAT5B to stress protection and tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance of chronic myeloid leukemia stem/progenitor cells, Cancer Res. 2013 Apr;73(7):2052-8.
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