Biofilm formation relies as much on bacterial adhesion properties than on surface chemistry, and many questions remain regarding biophysics of surface adhesion. In collaboration with physico-chemists and biophysicists, we used multidisciplinary approaches to investigate bacterial adaptations to surface contact and biomechanical properties of adhesins.
Recent articles on this topic
• Duvernoy, M.-C., T. Mora, M. Ardre, V. Croquette, D. Bensimon, C. Quilliet, J.-M. Ghigo, M. Balland, C. Beloin, S. Lecuyer, and N. Desprat. (2018). Asymetric adhesion in rod-shaped bacteria controls microcolony morphogenesis. Nature Communications. Mar 16;9(1):1120. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03446-y
• Beaussart A., C. Beloin, J.-M. Ghigo, M.-P. Chapot-Chartier, S. Kulalauskas, and J.F.L. Duval (2018). Probing the influence of cell surface polysaccharides on nanodendrimer binding to Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria using single-nanoparticle force spectroscopy. Nanoscale. Jul 9;10(26):12743-12753. Doi:10.1039/c8nr01766b.
Review on this topic
• Catherine Even, Christian Marlière, Jean-Marc Ghigo, Jean-Marc Allain, Alba Marcellan, Eric Raspaud. Recent advances in studying single bacteria and biofilm mechanics. (2017). Advances in Colloids and Interface science. Sep;247:573-588. doi: 10.1016/j.cis.2017.07.026.