Model systems [327]
Antoine Nissant
Perception & Action
Valérie Choumet
Group : Valérie Choumet
Main research programs: Vector-borne diseases are a major concern for human health as animal health in a world whose environment is changing gradually. They are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality for […]
Jean-Claude Manuguerra
Environment and Infectious Risks
Jean-Christophe Barale
Biology of Malaria targets and Antimalarials
Sigolène Meilhac
Heart Morphogenesis
Sigolène MEILHAC is a developmental biologist and INSERM Research Director, leading since 2015 the team of Heart Morphogenesis jointly affiliated to the Institut Pasteur and Institut Imagine. Trained at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, she […]
Michaela Muller-Trutwin
HIV, Inflammation and Viral Persistences
Michaela Müller-Trutwin is Professor at Institut Pasteur and the head of the “HIV, Inflammation and Persistence” Unit. She studied Biology at the University in Bonn, Germany and Frankfurt, Germany. She obtained her PhD from […]
Pablo Navarro Gil
Epigenomics, Proliferation and the Identity of Cells – EPIC
I was appointed Principal Investigator at the Institut Pasteur to create the Epigenetics of Stem Cells G5 in September 2013. In 2018, after the positive evaluation by the Scientific Council, my G5 was transformed […]
Béatrice Jacquelin
HIV, Inflammation and Viral Persistences
Beatrice Jacquelin joined Michaela Müller-Trutwin’s group at Institut Pasteur as a research engineer in 2004. Throughout the years of her graduate (1998-2001) and postdoctoral (2002-2004) training that she performed at The Scripps Research Institute […]
Michael Nilges
Tech Lab
Jean Jaubert
Mouse Genetics
Denis Houzelstein
Human Developmental Genetics
Sylvain Bessonnard
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
Michel Cohen-Tannoudji
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
The emergence of discrete cell identities from undifferentiated precursor cells is a central process in development and tissue homeostasis and repair, that when defective is at the basis of many human conditions including cancer […]
Sandrine Vandormael-Pournin
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
Xavier Montagutelli
Mouse Genetics
My recent work focuses on the genetic and functional dissection of complex traits using the mouse genetic toolbox. After developing a collection of interspecific congenic strains which were instrumental in exploring the genetic control […]