Members [All]
Noelia Alonso RodriguezPost-doc
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Olivier DanotPermanent Researcher -
Group: Christophe Beloin
Bianca AudrainResearch Engineer -
Macrophages and Endothelial Cells
Elisa Gomez PerdigueroHead of Structure -
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Ivo Gomperts BonecaHead of Structure -
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Nienke BuddelmeijerGroup Leader -
Laetitia PetitPhD Student
Microbial Individuality and Infection
Mena CiminoResearch Engineer -
Marie-Lise GougeonHead of Structure
Brigitte GicquelPermanent Researcher
Integrated Mycobacterial Pathogenomics
Ludovic TailleuxPermanent Researcher -
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Richard WheelerPost-doc -
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Catherine WertsGroup Leader -
Béatrice Poirier-BeaudouinResearch Engineer
Malvina SchatzResearch Engineer
Dynamic Regulation of Morphogenesis
Joao FirminoPost-doc -
Dynamic Regulation of Morphogenesis
Jérôme GrosHead of Structure -
Nicole PradaProject Manager
Héla Saidimember
Assaf Mizrahi-ChalomPhD Student