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Molecular diversity of microbesAude Bernheim
Virus and ImmunityOlivier Schwartz
Pathogenesis of Bacterial AnaerobesBruno Dupuy
UMR3528 – Structural Molecular Biology and Infectious ProcessMarc Delarue
Investigation and volunteers for human healthHélène Laude
Clinical Research Coordination OfficeNathalie Jolly
European Network on Myeloid Regulatory CellsMichaela Muller-Trutwin
GPF Vaccinology Call 2: Accelerating Preclinical Development of Vaccine CandidatesChristiane Gerke
MICROTONE – Microbial and viral circulations among people and wild and domesticated animals in an ecotone, Democratic Republic of CongoTamara Giles-Vernick
ERC-2024-SyG-AI4AMRIvo Gomperts Boneca
Partner 4Ds (ANR-23-CE12-0005)Marie-Eve Val
ZikaPLAN consortium – Zika Preparedness Latin American NetworkAnnelies Wilder-Smith