Chargée de recherche (Inserm)
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2023Alcam-a and Pdgfr-α are essential for the development of sclerotome-derived stromal cells that support hematopoiesis., Nat Commun 2023 Mar; 14(1): 1171.
2022A dual involvement of Protocadherin 18a in stromal cell development guides the formation of a functional hematopoietic niche., Development 2022 Oct; 149(19): .
2019Coronin 1A depletion restores the nuclear stability and viability of Aip1/Wdr1-deficient neutrophils, J. Cell Biol. 2019 Aug;218(10):3258-71.
2017Trim33 / Tif1-γ is essential for macrophage and neutrophil mobilisation to developmental or inflammatory cues, J. Cell. Sci. 2017 Jul;130(17):2797-807.
2015NACA deficiency reveals the crucial role of somite-derived stromal cells in haematopoietic niche formation, Nat Commun 2015;6:8375.
2007Live imaging of emerging hematopoietic stem cells and early thymus colonization, Blood 2008 Feb;111(3):1147-56.
2006Tracing hematopoietic precursor migration to successive hematopoietic organs during zebrafish development., Immunity 2006 Dec; 25(6): 963-75.
2005Otolith matrix proteins OMP-1 and Otolin-1 are necessary for normal otolith growth and their correct anchoring onto the sensory maculae, Mech. Dev. 2005 Jun;122(6):791-803.