Bacterial diseases [173]
Olivier Disson
Biology of infection
Marc Lecuit
Biology of infection
Marc Lecuit, MD, PhD, is a microbiologist and an infectious diseases physician. He is the Director of the Biology of Infection Unit at the Institut Pasteur and Inserm (U1117) and of the Listeria National […]
Christophe Batejat
Anne Le Fleche
Group : Valérie Choumet
Zeynep Baharoglu
Bacterial responses to antimicrobial stress
In the lab, we are focusing on bacterial mechanisms of survival in hostile environments containing sub-lethal antibiotic concentrations. The emergence of antibiotic resistance is increasingly associated with low antibiotic concentrations in the aquatic environment, […]
Laurence Mulard
Group: Carbohydrates and Bioconjugates
Michael Nilges
Tech Lab
Eduardo Rocha
UMR3525 CNRS/Institut Pasteur – Genetics of genomes
My work focuses on the interplay between the organisation of genomes arising by the chromosomal interactions of cellular processes and the recombination processes generating adaptive genetic variation. Genetic elements tend to be organized in […]
Mathieu Picardeau
Biology of Spirochetes
Sylvie Pochet
Francois-Xavier Weill
Enteric Bacterial Pathogens
Philippe Sansonetti
The “Mother and Child Health” cross-disciplinary transversal program
Philippe J. Sansonetti, MS, MD, is a microbiologist, Professor at the Pasteur Institute and the Collège de France in Paris. He is the Director of the Inserm Unit 1202 and of the Institut Pasteur […]
Régis Tournebize
Photonic BioImaging (UTechS PBI)
Thierry Pedron
Yongzheng Wu
Cellular Biology of Microbial Infection
My interest is to investigate the pathogenesis of infectious diseases induced by bacteria in respiratory and reproductive systems. Particularly, I focus on pathogen-host interaction and try to understand the mechanisms by which host responses […]