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Un petit guide pour l'utilisation de la recherche avancée :

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    Exemple : "division cellulaire"
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    Exemple : +cellule +stem
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    Exemple : +cellule -stem
e.g. searching for members in projects tagged cancer
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Di Nunzio Francesca, PhD Group Leader 

ORCID ID : 0000-0003-2879-3164

RESEARCH ID : A-6153-2014

                    Publications    Sum of times cited     H-Index   Avg citations per item   Avg citations per year

   29                           1 154                         17                    39.8                                  82.4




2017     Habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR), Université Paris Diderot 7-Sorbonne

2006      Ph.D. in Medical Biotechnology, University of Verona & San Raffaele Institute Italy.

2001      University “Federico II” of Naples, Italy; degree with full honours (110 out of 110)




2018 –to date                 Group leader, Pasteur Institute, Paris France



2014 – 2017      Researcher, IP, Paris France

2015                   Visiting scientist, IP, Montevideo, Uruguay, Mentors: Dr. O. Pritsch & Dr. A. Buschiazzo

2009-2014          Post-doc fellow (FRM, Sidaction, ANRS), IP, Paris. Mentor: Dr. Pierre Charneau

2011 October     Visiting scientist, A. Einstein College of Medicine, NY, USA. Mentor: Prof. F. Diaz-Griffero

2006-2009          Post-doc fellow at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute & Harvard Medical School.

Supervisor: Prof. Alan Engelman, Boston, USA

2003-2006          Graduate student at University of Verona & University of Modena, Italy.

Supervisor: Prof. Fulvio Mavilio

2001-2002          Undergraduate student MOLMED San Raffaele Institute, Milan, Italy.

Supervisors: Dr. Anna Stornaiuolo & Prof. Fulvio Mavilio.

1999-2000          BS stage Hospital Pascale Cancer Insitute, Naples, Italy. Supervisor: Dr. F.Buonaguro.

1998                   BS stage CEINGE University Federico II, Naples, Italy.  Supervisor: Dr. C.Pietropaolo.




  • Regular member of the Steering Committee ANRS (funding of programs on HIV) 2016-2020.
  • Regular member COMESP IP committee 2018-2021.
  • Reviewer for international Grants :
  • Proposal IDEX Université Sorbonne Paris Cité
  • Programme bilatéral de recherche collaborative Québec-Flandre

2018 to date        Editorial Board, Frontiers in Medicine

2011 to date        Reviewer for Retrovirology, Scientific Reports, Gene, Nature Microbiology, etc.

2020-2021           Guest editor special issue Viruses Journal https://www.mdpi.com/journal/viruses/special_issues/viral_nuclear_import_2020



2018       MOOC Integration of viruses and cancers IP https://lnkd.in/gH5Q242

2017      Teaching at M2 students Virology program IP, “articles reading and review writing” (Review written                    with the M2 student group Berry et al. 2018 Med Sci, Paris).


Participation as chairmen at international meetings:

2019                   ANRS France-Japon meeting, IP, Paris, France

2019                  44th CSH (Cold Spring Harbor) Retroviruses Meeting, 2019, NY, USA

2018                   Frontiers in Retrovirology Conference, Leuven, Belgium

2017                   6th International Conference on Retroviral Integration, Bordeaux, France


  • Viviana Scoca AMGEN 2017-Erasmus 2018- Engineer Sidaction 2019-PhD student ANRS 2019-2022.
  • Jean-Sebastien Diana, MD, PhD student FRM 2019-2022.
  • Selen Ay, M2 student 2021
  • Clement de La Myre Mory, M2 student 2021


Former members

  • Post-doc: Elena Rensen ANRS fellow 2019
  • Engineer of research: Stella Frabetti, ERASMUS 2017-Sidaction 2018
  • PhD student: Guillermo Blanco-Rodriguez (University Frontiers du Vivant, Paris Diderot 7), ANRS, 2016 – 2019


  • 2020-2023 ANRS – Live-track of the retroviral DNA fate in infected cells using humanized mice. P.I.
  • 2019-2022 ANRS – Study of the interplay between viral pre-integration complex and host-chromatin factors during HIV infection in live cells. P.I.
  • 2018-2020 ANRS – New aspects of the role of the HIV integrase in infection inferred by the study of phylogenetic group-specific motifs. P.I. M. Negroni, co-PIs:  Di Nunzio, V. Parissi
  • 2017-2020 FRM/Sidaction – Study of the interplay between nucleoporins and chromatin factors to orchestrate HIV-1 replication-P.I.
  • 2016-2019 ANRS – The Nuclear Pore gateway for HIV-1 replication: Study of viral functional complexes at the inner and outer sides of the poreP.I.
  • 2013-2015 ANRS – Implication of nucleoporins of the nuclear pore basket (Nup98, Nup153 and Tpr) in a concerted HIV-1 integration mechanism with translocation through the pore and chromatin modelingP.I.



Patent Di Nunzio IP: « Live lmaging system to visualize the retro-transcribed HIV-1 DNA genome» Demande de brevet provisoire américaine No. 62/846,201 Déposée le 10 mai 2019 N/Réf.: Dl 2018-37 HIV imaging AF



