qPCR [142]
Olivier Dussurget
Group : Bacterial Pathogenesis and Antibacterial Agents
In a globalized world heading for a post-antibiotic era, refined understanding of human, animal and environmental interactions with pathogenic bacteria is of utmost importance. The primary aim of our research is to discover bacterial […]
David Ribet
Christophe D’Enfert
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Dr. Christophe d’Enfert is a Professor at Institut Pasteur and the Head of the Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity Unit at Institut Pasteur. Dr. d’Enfert gained his PhD at Institut Pasteur working on protein secretion […]
Arturo Hernandez Cervantes
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Pablo Garcia Gutierrez
Nuclear Organization and Oncogenesis
Carmen Mirabelli
Alexandre Alanio
Translational Mycology
Dr Alexandre Alanio is an M.D., Ph.D., expert in medical mycology and medical parasitology. He is currently Associate Professor in Paris VII University (Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, France), Permanent Researcher in the molecular mycology unit […]
Marc Monot
Biomics – Support-Lab
Nicolas Kint
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Anaerobes
Frédérique Vernel-Pauillac
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Frederique Vernel-Pauillac is a research engineer in the Molecular Mycology Unit. She is currently PhD student. After an assignment in the network (Institut Pasteur of New-Caledonia) where she was involved in two public health […]
Gérard Eberl
U1224 – Regulation of homeostasis and inflammation by lymphoid cells and microenvironment
Neetu Gupta-Rossi
Membrane Traffic and Cell Division
The full Midbody Remnant proteome identified from Hela cells, named Flemmingsome can be found here: https://flemmingsome.pasteur.cloud/
Célestine Atyame Nten
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Olivier Cassar
Oncogenic Virus Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
Olivier Cassar born in 1965, is a former researcher of the Institut Pasteur International network. He studied at the University Paris Diderot in Paris where he earned his Doctorate es Sciences in Virology in […]
Laetitia Petit
Laetitia is a PhD student from the University Paris VII. She is graduated for a Master degree in Immunology in 2012 at the University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. She joined the lab in 2011 for […]