Stem cell biology [90]

Shahragim Tajbakhsh
Stem Cells And Development
Our aim is to characterise stem cells and their daughters during embryonic and postnatal development of skeletal muscle to understand how this tissue is established, and how it regenerates. We are examining the genetic […]

Robert Weil
Genome integrity, Immunity and Cancer

Cell polarity and asymmetric cell division
François Schweisguth

Christine Petit
Auditory Therapies Innovation Lab
SCIENTIFIC POSITIONS Head of Auditory Therapies Innovation Laboratory at the Hearing Institute (an Institut Pasteur Center), Paris Professor “Classe Exceptionnelle” at Institut Pasteur, Paris Professor Emeritus at Collège de France, Chair of Genetics […]

Pierre-Marie Lledo
UMR3571 – Genes, Synapses and Cognition
Much of our adult behaviors reflect the state of neural circuits sculpted by sensory experience in infancy and early childhood. At no other time in life does the surrounding environment so potently shape most […]

Uwe Maskos
Integrative Neurobiology of Cholinergic Systems
This is an example of transplanted human iPSC derived cells.

Arnaud Echard
UMR3691 – Physiological and pathological cell biology

Cell biology of Notch
François Schweisguth

Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
Developmental biology first made its appearance at Institut Pasteur when François Jacob, François Gros and their colleagues extended their pioneering work on mRNA in bacteria to gene regulation in eukaryotic systems. This led to […]