Physics, Computer Science, Informatics Systems Biology and Technological Research [623]
Gérald Spaeth
U1201 – Genetic and molecular basis of host-parasite interactions
Dr. Gerald Späth currently holds a Research Director position at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, where he directs the Unit ‘Parasitologie moléculaire et Signalisation’ (12 members) and the Department ‘Parasites and Insect Vectors’ (ca. […]
Pascale Pescher
Molecular Parasitology and Signaling
Pascale Pescher is a research engineer in the unit ‘Parasitologie moléculaire et signalisation’. She started her career working on host-mycobacteria interactions and since 2006 joined the field of Leishmania research studying the molecular basis […]
Anastasia V. Komarova
Institut Pasteur-Oncovita joint laboratory
Virus-host ribonucleoprotein complexes and innate immunity The RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) play a major role in sensing intracytoplasmic RNA virus infection to initiate and modulate antiviral immunity. These RNA helicases interact with particular signatures of […]
Frédéric Tangy
Institut Pasteur-Oncovita joint laboratory
Noël Tordo
Patrick Trieu-Cuot
Sylvie van Der Werf
Emmanuel Bischoff
Kenneth Vernick
Robert Weil
Genome integrity, Immunity and Cancer
Florian Muller
Quantitative RNA imaging
I’m a trained biophysicist and develop integrated approaches combining fluorescence imaging, wetlab experiments, computerised image analysis, and mathematical modeling. We apply this methods to study RNA regulation across several scales, ranging from sub-cellular RNA […]
Christophe Zimmer
Imaging and Modeling
Cell polarity and asymmetric cell division
François Schweisguth
Christine Petit
Auditory Therapies Innovation Lab
SCIENTIFIC POSITIONS Head of Auditory Therapies Innovation Laboratory at the Hearing Institute (an Institut Pasteur Center), Paris Professor “Classe Exceptionnelle” at Institut Pasteur, Paris Professor Emeritus at Collège de France, Chair of Genetics […]
Pierre-Marie Lledo
UMR3571 – Genes, Synapses and Cognition
Much of our adult behaviors reflect the state of neural circuits sculpted by sensory experience in infancy and early childhood. At no other time in life does the surrounding environment so potently shape most […]