Parasitology [174]

Selma Belhimeur

Marcela Fuentes Carias
Molecular Parasitology and Signaling

Sheng Zhang
In mammals, Leishmania develop as strictly intracellular amastigotes within acidic parasitophorous vacuoles of host macrophages. These important innate immune cells are at the crossroads of various host responses including sensing of infections, induction of […]

Daniel Abbühl
Trypanosome Cell Biology
Daniel obtained his Master’s degree in the lab of Isabel Roditi at the University of Bern (Switzerland). There he investigated the role of proteins associated with cyclic AMP signaling in an in vitro assay […]

Paul Jenkins
Molecular Parasitology and Signaling

Gamou Fall
I am a young investigator working at the Virology department (Institut Pasteur de Dakar), which hosts the WHO collaborating center for arbovirus and hemorrhagic fever viruses and the regional reference yellow fever laboratory. According […]

Sarah Dellière
Immunology of Fungal Infections
Since November 2019, I am a part-time clinical microbiologist (MD) specialized in mycology and parasitology at Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris and a part-time PhD student in the molecular mycology Unit of the Pasteur Institute under […]

Karinna Rubio
Trypanosome Molecular Biology

Jean Marc Tsagmo Ngoune
Group: Trypanosome transmission
During his PhD at University of Yaoundé 1 in Cameroon, Jean Marc’s research was focussed on the investigation of the factors involved in the trypanosome transmission by tsetse flies on the field (natural condition). […]

Plasmodium Infection and Transmission
Liliana Mancio Silva

Aline Araujo Alves
Aline obtained her PhD degree at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 2019. She worked on characterising expression and function of myosin motors in Trypanosoma cruzi under supervision of Dr. Narcisa Cunha-e-Silva. […]

Catarina Maria Da Silva Rosa

Maria Gutierrez-Sanchez
Molecular Parasitology and Signaling

Isabelle Bouyssou
Biology of Host-parasite Interactions