Immunogenetics [23]
PERT-SEVERE II – Impact de l’expression bactérienne et de la réponse immunitaire dans la gravité de la coqueluche
Julie Toubiana
Group : Milieu Intérieur
Darragh Duffy • Lluis Quintana-Murci
CoSImmGEn-F : constitution d’une cohorte de sujets atteints de polypose adénomateuse familiale et porteurs d’une mutation du gène APC afin d’étudier le rôle de la génétique du système immunitaire et de l’environnement dans la maladie
Hélène Laude • Marie-Noelle Ungeheuer • Andres Alcover
Dorian Obino
Pathogenesis of vascular infections
Born and raised in the south of France, I moved to Paris to study at the Magistère Européen de Génétique (Université Paris VII, now Université Paris Cité) where I specialized in immuno-genetics and cell biology. […]
INCEPTION – Institut Convergence for the study of Emergence of Pathology Through Individuals and Populations
IINCEPTION Goal The Inception aims to develop a core structure to mobilize data resources, numerical sciences, and fundamental experimental biology in various health issues (Official website here: The inception program uses Integrative Biology, […]
Evie Melanitou
Cellular and molecular immunoprofiling of multiple sclerosis patients
Frédérique Michel
Role of IFN-I in the development of IL-10-producing CD4 T cells
Frédérique Michel
Natural Control of HIV-1 Infection
Asier Sáez-Cirión
Role of CD8 T cells responses in the control of HIV-2 infection-ANRS Immunovir2
Asier Sáez-Cirión
Christian Mitri
Viral reservoirs and immune control
Asier Sáez-Cirión
Group: Response to Infection in the Whole Organism
Jean-Pierre Levraud
Hélène Lenden Hasse
Darragh Duffy
Translational Immunology
Darragh Duffy leads the Translational Immunology unit at the Institut Pasteur, Paris and is co-coordinator of the LabEx Milieu Interieur project. The overall goal of his research is to better understand the fundamental mechanisms […]