Chromosome [40]

ERC-2019 – StG – EVOMENS
Camille Berthelot

Symphony A5 – Cytometer • BD
Flow Cytometry Platform
Coordinator RepliChroms (ANR-19-CE12-0001)
Marie-Eve Val

UMR3525 CNRS/Institut Pasteur – Genetics of genomes
Eduardo Rocha

Nathalie Clément
Clinical Research Coordination Office
Nathalie Clément holds a PhD in Physiology and Pathophysiology from Paris VI University. After 6 years as a postdoctoral fellow, she joined the translational research team in pediatric oncology at Institut Curie as a […]

Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics
Eugene Gladyshev

Eugene Gladyshev
Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics
Eugene Gladyshev obtained his Master degree from Yale University and PhD from Harvard University (under the supervision of Pr. Matthew Meselson). He subsequently joined the laboratory of Pr. Nancy Kleckner (Harvard University) as a […]

Physics of Life at Princeton University
The laboratory for the Physics of Life at Princeton University is part of the Physics Department, the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, and the Molecular Biology Department. We study the basic physical principles that […]

Lasse van Wijlick
Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity
Lasse van Wijlick obtained his PhD at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf (Germany) in the unit of Prof. Joachim F. Ernst, working on transcriptional adaptation to host environmental conditions of the important human fungal pathogen […]

Kenzo-Hugo Hillion
Expertise group : WINTER – Web integration
After a Master degree in Genetics at Magistère Européen de Génétique, Paris Diderot, I did a second Master in bioinformatics at University of Nantes where I focused my work on the study of mapping […]

Timea Marton
Genome integrity, Immunity and Cancer

Evie Melanitou

Nucloc: mapping gene territories in the yeast nucleus
Christophe Zimmer

Molecular Mechanisms of Pathological and Physiological Ageing
Miria Ricchetti