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© Antoinette Ryter
Serratia marcescens avec présence de flagelles (cils) péritriches. Famille des Enterobacteriaceae, bacille à Gram négatif, non sporulé, anaérobie facultatif, mobile, parfois encapsulé, pouvant synthétiser un pigment rouge ou rose. Présent dans les végétaux , le sol, et l'eau. A l'origine d'infections nosocomiales et résistant à de nombreux antibiotiques. Image colorisée.
Scientific Fields

Published in Nature - 07 Aug 2024

Burman N, Belukhina S, Depardieu F, Wilkinson RA, Skutel M, Santiago-Frangos A, Graham AB, Livenskyi A, Chechenina A, Morozova N, Zahl T, Henriques WS, Buyukyoruk M, Rouillon C, Saudemont B, Shyrokova L, Kurata T, Hauryliuk V, Severinov K, Groseille J, Thierry A, Koszul R, Tesson F, Bernheim A, Bikard D, Wiedenheft B, Isaev A

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 39111359

Link to DOI – 10.1038/s41586-024-07874-3

Nature 2024 Aug; ():

Viruses compete with each other for limited cellular resources, and some deliver defense mechanisms that protect the host from competing genetic parasites1. PARIS is a defense system, often encoded in viral genomes, that is composed of a 55 kDa ABC ATPase (AriA) and a 35 kDa TOPRIM nuclease (AriB)2. However, the mechanism by which AriA and AriB function in phage defense is unknown. Here we show that AriA and AriB assemble into a 425 kDa supramolecular immune complex. We use cryo-EM to determine the structure of this complex which explains how six molecules of AriA assemble into a propeller-shaped scaffold that coordinates three subunits of AriB. ATP-dependent detection of foreign proteins triggers the release of AriB, which assembles into a homodimeric nuclease that blocks infection by cleaving host tRNALys. Phage T5 subverts PARIS immunity through expression of a tRNALys variant that is not cleaved by PARIS, and thereby restores viral infection. Collectively, these data explain how AriA functions as an ATP-dependent sensor that detects viral proteins and activates the AriB toxin. PARIS is one of an emerging set of immune systems that form macromolecular complexes for the recognition of foreign proteins, rather than foreign nucleic acids3.