Specific metabolic changes occurring during biofilm formation were hypothesized to lead to the production of biofilm-associated molecules and biofilm-specific functions. The identification of biofilm-specific metabolites could reveal new aspects of biofilm biology, and lead to novel strategies to diagnose, fight, or use bacterial biofilms.
Recent articles on this topic
• Nicolas Barraud*; Sylvie Létoffé*; Christophe Beloin; Joelle Vinh; Giovanni Chiapetta# and Jean-Marc Ghigo#. Lifestyle-specific S-nitrosylation of protein cysteine thiols regulates Escherichia coli biofilm formation and resistance to oxidative stress. Submitted Available at:https://biorxiv.org/cgi/content/short/2020.09.29.318139v1(*equal contribution, #co-corresponding authors).
• Szczesny, M., C. Beloin and J.-M. Ghigo (2018). Increased osmolarity in biofilm triggers RcsB-dependent lipid A palmitoylation in Escherichia coli. mBio. Aug 21;9(4). pii: e01415-18. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01415-18.
• Létoffé, S., S. Chalabev, J. Dugay, F. Stressmann, B. Audrain, J.C. Portais, F. Letisse, and J.M. Ghigo. (2017). Biofilm microenvironment induces a widespread adaptive amino-acid fermentation pathway conferring strong fitness advantage in Escherichia coli. PLoS Genetics. May 19;13(5) doi: 10.1371.
Review on this topic
• Beloin, C. and J.M. Ghigo. (2005). Finding gene-expression patterns in bacterial biofilms. Trends in Microbiology 13:16-9.
• Ghigo, J.M. (2003). Are there biofilm-specific physiological pathways beyond a reasonable doubt? Research in Microbiology 154:1-8.