Ebola virus [24]

Victor Narat
Chargé de Recherche au CNRS (Unité d’Eco-anthropologie), mes recherches portent sur les interactions entre humains et primates non-humains, particulièrement les grands singes, à la fois dans une perspective de conservation de la biodiversité et […]

Romain Duda
Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases
Romain Duda is leading anthropological research in central Africa focusing on relations between societies and their environment, specially on human-animal interactions and contacts to understand the emergence of emerging diseases. Postdoctoral researcher at Institut […]

Noël Tordo • Antoine Gessain • Jean-Claude Manuguerra

Evolutionary genomics of RNA viruses
Etienne Simon-Loriere

Pôle d’Identification Virale (PIV)
Jessica Vanhomwegen

Laboratory for Urgent Response to Biological Threats
The Laboratory for Urgent Response to Biological Threats (CIBU) was created at the end of 2002 at the instigation of the Director General of Health (DGS) and the Director General of the Institut Pasteur, […]

Signalling and Molecular interactions
Nicolas Wolff

Ecology and Emergence of Arthropod-borne Pathogens
Anavaj Sakuntabhai

Mathematical Modelling Of Infectious Diseases
Simon Cauchemez

Biology of Viral Emerging Infections
Sylvain Baize

Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases
Arnaud Fontanet

Sylvain Baize
Biology of Viral Emerging Infections

Mathieu Mateo
Biology of Viral Emerging Infections
Focus on hemorrhagic fever viruses, host/pathogen interactions, viral countermeasures, vaccines

Simon Cauchemez
Mathematical Modelling Of Infectious Diseases
Simon Cauchemez joined Institut Pasteur in 2013 to head Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases Unit. The main research objective of his unit is to develop state-of-the-art statistical and mathematical methods to address these challenges, […]