Aedes albopictus (Tiger mosquito) [26]

Anna-Bella Failloux
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
I am proud to say that I am an entomologist! I did my PhD on population genetics of mosquito vectors at the Institute of Evolutionary Sciences at Montpellier (France). In French Polynesia, at the […]

Cassandra Koh
Viruses and RNA Interference

Infravec2 – Research Infrastructures for the Control of Vector-borne Diseases
Kenneth Vernick • Anna-Bella Failloux

Group : Valérie Choumet
Valérie Choumet

Thais Chouin-Carneiro
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
My project is on the evaluation of the vector competence of mosquito populations Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus to Zika virus, an arbovirus which is emerging in Brazil. I also investigate the role of […]

Dinair Couto-Lima
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
My project is to evaluate the risk of emergence of urban yellow fever in Brazil related to the expansion of the mosquito Aedes albopictus. This project is divided into 2 main tasks: (i) estimation […]

DENFREE consortium – Dengue Framework for Resisting Epidemics in Europe
Anavaj Sakuntabhai • Richard Paul

Groupe Arbovirus
Jean-Claude Manuguerra

Mosquito-virus specificity and arboviral emergence
Louis Lambrechts

Preventing vector-borne diseases around the mediterranean and black sea regions by creating a One Health network of laboratories Countries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions share common public health issues and threats. The MediLabSecure […]

Catherine Dauga

Insect-Virus Interactions
Louis Lambrechts

Viruses and RNA Interference
Carla Saleh

Environment and Infectious Risks
Jean-Claude Manuguerra