Dr. Louis Lambrechts is a Research Director in the Department of Virology at Institut Pasteur in Paris. After graduating from Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, he obtained a PhD in Ecology in 2006 for his work on interactions between mosquitoes and malaria parasites at University Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris. During his postdoc, he was supported by a European Marie Curie fellowship to study interactions between mosquitoes and dengue viruses at the University of California in Davis and in the Laboratory of Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases in Montpellier, France. In 2010, he joined the Institut Pasteur in Paris where he became a Permanent Research Scientist of the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 2011, a Junior Group Leader in 2013, and Unit Head in 2019. In 2018, he was awarded a CNRS Bronze Medal. He is currently involved in several international research programs on dengue and Zika.
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Transversal Projects
Unit Head & Research Director, 2019-present Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
CNRS Bronze Medal, 2018
Junior Group Leader, 2013-2018 Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
CNRS Permanent Research Scientist, 2011-present Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007-11, Arbovirology Institut Pasteur, Paris, France (2010-11); CNRS, Montpellier, France (2009); University of California, Davis, USA (2007-08)
Ph.D., 2006, Ecology University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France
B.S. and M.S., 2002, Biology & Biochemistry Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
2024The role of vector population variation and climate in Zika virus transmission patterns in Africa: a modelling study., Lancet Planet Health 2024 Dec; 8(12): e1020-e1029.
2024Zika viruses encode 5′ upstream open reading frames affecting infection of human brain cells., Nat Commun 2024 Oct; 15(1): 8822.
2024Arbovirus impact on mosquito behavior: the jury is still out., Trends Parasitol 2024 Apr; 40(4): 292-301.
2024Extensive variation and strain-specificity in dengue virus susceptibility among African Aedes aegypti populations., PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2024 Mar; 18(3): e0011862.
2023Differential intra-host infection kinetics in Aedes aegypti underlie superior transmissibility of African relative to Asian Zika virus., mSphere 2023 Dec; 8(6): e0054523.
2023Direct mosquito feedings on dengue-2 virus-infected people reveal dynamics of human infectiousness., PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2023 Sep; 17(9): e0011593.
2023Multifaceted contributions of Dicer2 to arbovirus transmission by Aedes aegypti., Cell Rep 2023 Aug; 42(8): 112977.
2023Does arbovirus emergence in humans require adaptation to domestic mosquitoes?, Curr Opin Virol 2023 Jun; 60(): 101315.
2023Quantifying heterogeneities in arbovirus transmission: Description of the rationale and methodology for a prospective longitudinal study of dengue and Zika virus transmission in Iquitos, Peru (2014-2019)., PLoS One 2023 ; 18(2): e0273798.
2022Enhanced mosquito vectorial capacity underlies the Cape Verde Zika epidemic., PLoS Biol 2022 10; 20(10): e3001864.
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