Oncogenic Virus Epidemiology and PathophysiologyAntoine Gessain
Physics of Biological FunctionThomas Gregor
Human Developmental GeneticsKenneth McElreavey
Ecology and Emergence of Arthropod-borne PathogensAnavaj Sakuntabhai
Fungal Biology and PathogenicityChristophe D’Enfert
Biology and Genetics of Bacterial Cell WallIvo Gomperts Boneca
Pathogen co-infection : HIV, TB, Malaria and HCVJames Di Santo
Phylogenetic studies on fungi causing invasive infectionsDea Garcia-Hermoso
i-Predict: Prevention of Diseases Induced by Chlamydia trachomatis
Molecular mechanisms of bacterial cell divisionAnne Marie Wehenkel
Étude de la réponse inflammatoire médiée par les polynucléaires neutrophiles au cours des accidents vasculaires cérébraux : NEUTROBLOOD (2023-037)Aleksandra Deczkowska
Diversity and stability of eukaryotic transcriptsAlain Jacquier