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Former Teams
Photonic BioImaging (UTechS PBI)Florian Muller
Dynamic Regulation of MorphogenesisJérôme Gros
Evolutionary cell biology and evolution of morphogenesisThibaut Brunet
Decision and Bayesian Computation – EpiméthéeJean-Baptiste Masson
Clinical Research Coordination OfficeNathalie Jolly
Cellular plasticity in age-related pathologiesHan Li
Role of microglia in neurological sequelae of Listeria monocytogenes infectionMarc Lecuit
DEFERM – Mesures de décontamination visant à restaurer les installations et l’environnement après une libération naturelle ou volontaire de microorganismes pathogènesJean-Claude Manuguerra
ERANET-2015 ProAntilisPascale Cossart
SUMMITOula Itani
Role of human polymorphisms in nicotinic receptors in lung cancer and COPDStéphanie Pons
Molecular mechanisms of synaptic diversityDavid DiGregorio