I am a currently a post-doctoral researcher with the InBio team at Institut Pasteur and Inria in Paris, France. I’m working with collaborators at IST Austria and the Living Systems Institute in Exeter, UK, to develop quantitative methods to design, test, and debug synthetic biological systems, including “computer in the loop” cybergenetic circuits.
Prior to joining the InBio team, I was a PhD student studying computational and systems biology in Brian Munsky’s group at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. My PhD work developed new computational methods to compare stochastic models of gene expression and modern single cell data.
New techniques allow experimental biologists to measure biomolecules with higher precision, and even image the entire central dogma at single-molecule resolution in live cells. My work tries to improve computational modeling approaches to make use of the rich and exciting information contained in modern experiments. I am passionate about computation and predictive modeling, especially in stochastic systems. Check out google scholar to see a comprehensive list of publications.
Outside of my academic work, I spend my time rock climbing, playing tennis, reading, and running.