Ligne de temps

Christophe Beloin
Chef(fe) de Groupe
11 nov. 2024
Identification of Veillonella parvula and Streptococcus gordonii adhesins mediating co-aggregation and its impact on physiology and mixed biofilm structure.
Lire plus10 oct. 2024
Identification of V. parvula and S. gordonii adhesins mediating co-agregation and its impact on physiology and mixedbiofilm structure.
Lire plus26 sept. 2024
Biophysical insights into sugar-dependent medium acidification promoting YfaL protein-mediated Escherichia coli self-aggregation, biofilm formation and acid stress resistance.
Lire plus05 sept. 2024
Seminar Dept Microbiology “Role of the extracellular juncture domain of inverse autotransporters.”
Lire plus19 mars 2024
Elucidating envelope evolution and the diderm-to-monoderm transition in Bacteria (ENVOL)
Lire plus02 déc. 2023
Analysis of in-patient evolution of Escherichia coli reveals potential links to relapse of bone and joint infections.
Lire plus23 nov. 2023
The Mla system of diderm Firmicute Veillonella parvula reveals an ancestral transenvelope bridge for phospholipid trafficking.
Lire plus06 nov. 2023
Dual function of OmpM as outer membrane tether and nutrient uptake channel in diderm Firmicutes.
Lire plus17 août 2023
Characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa l,d-Transpeptidases and Evaluation of Their Role in Peptidoglycan Adaptation to Biofilm Growth.
Lire plus17 août 2023
Escherichia coli SPFH Membrane Microdomain Proteins HflKC Contribute to Aminoglycoside and Oxidative Stress Tolerance.
Lire plus03 mai 2023
Bacterial capsular polysaccharides with antibiofilm activity share common biophysical and electrokinetic properties.
Lire plus11 avr. 2023
Escherichia coli Aggregates Mediated by Native or Synthetic Adhesins Exhibit Both Core and Adhesin-Specific Transcriptional Responses.
Lire plus16 mars 2023
Intermittent antibiotic treatment of bacterial biofilms favors the rapid evolution of resistance.
Lire plus10 mars 2023
Labex GIL: Methanobrevibacter and Veillonella crosstalk with the intestinal mucosa in the context of health and inflammation
Lire plus21 sept. 2022
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Production of Hydrogen Cyanide Leads to Airborne Control of Staphylococcus aureus Growth in Biofilm and In Vivo Lung Environments
Lire plus05 avr. 2022
Selection for nonspecific adhesion is a driver of FimH evolution increasing Escherichia coli biofilm capacity
Lire plus01 mars 2022
An ancient divide in outer membrane tethering systems in bacteria suggests a mechanism for the diderm-to-monoderm transition.
Lire plus28 sept. 2021
ANR OM-LipAsy: Outer membrane lipid asymmetry in Veillonella parvula, an atypical diderm Firmicute
Lire plus14 juin 2021
Seminar DPT Microbiology ” “Using adaptive laboratory evolution to explore the plasticity of biofilm promoting factors and emergence of antibiotic resistance in biofilms”, Christophe Beloin
Lire plus13 avr. 2021
Lifestyle-specific S-nitrosylation of protein cysteine thiols regulates Escherichia coli biofilm formation and resistance to oxidative stress.
Lire plus06 janv. 2021
On the strong connection between nanoscale adhesion of Yad fimbriae and macroscale attachment of Yad-decorated bacteria to glycosylated hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces
Lire plus01 janv. 2021
19 oct. 2020
Genome-wide analysis of the Firmicutes illuminates the diderm/monoderm transition.
Lire plus25 sept. 2020
Visualizing the dynamics of exported bacterial proteins with the chemogenetic fluorescent reporter FAST
Lire plus17 août 2020
Autotransporters Drive Biofilm Formation and Autoaggregation in the Diderm Firmicute Veillonella parvula.
Lire plus23 juin 2020
Capsular polysaccharide cross-regulation modulates Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron biofilm formation
Lire plus23 juin 2020
Capsular Polysaccharide Cross-Regulation Modulates Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Biofilm Formation.
Lire plus23 janv. 2020
One or two membranes? Diderm Firmicutes challenge the Gram-positive/Gram-negative divide.
Lire plus19 sept. 2019
Electrophoresis as a simple method to detect deleterious actions of engineered nanoparticles on living cells
Lire plus24 mai 2019
Zinc acetate potentiates the action of tosufloxacin on Escherichia coli biofilm persisters
Lire plus04 mars 2019
A putative type V pilus contributes to Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron biofilm formation capacity
Lire plus25 févr. 2019
20 juil. 2018
Increased osmolarity in biofilm triggers RcsB-dependent lipid A palmitoylation in Escherichia coli
Lire plus01 juin 2018
Probing the influence of cell surface polysaccharides on nanodendrimer binding to Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria using single-nanoparticle force spectroscopy
Lire plus16 mars 2018
16 mars 2018
16 nov. 2017
Prof. Michael BOTT – “Corynebacterium glutamicum – microbial cell factory and model organism for actinobacteria”
Lire plus27 sept. 2017
Comparative Analysis of Bacterial Community Composition and Structure in Clinically Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Central Venous Catheters
Lire plus12 sept. 2017
YeeJ is an inverse autotransporter from Escherichia coli that binds to peptidoglycan and promotes biofilm formation
Lire plus10 sept. 2017
Long-term stability of gentamicin sulfate-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA-Na2) solution for catheter locks
Lire plus30 juin 2017
Outer Membrane Proteome of Veillonella parvula: A Diderm Firmicute of the Human Microbiome.
Lire plus15 avr. 2017
12 avr. 2017
“A novel mechanism of antibiotic resistance in Gram-positive pathogens” By Andrew EDWARDS – Microbiology Departement Seminar
Lire plus03 mars 2017
19 déc. 2016
ANR Fir-OM: Firmicutes with an outer membrane: toward new models to study the diderm/monoderm cell envelope transition
Lire plus27 sept. 2016
PTR OmNega: A multi-disciplinary investigation of the Negativicutes: atypical Firmicutes with LPS-outer membranes that inhabit the human gut
Lire plus31 août 2016
Phylogenomic analysis supports the ancestral presence of LPS-outer membranes in the Firmicutes
Lire plus31 août 2016
Functional analysis of Escherichia coli Yad fimbriae reveals their potential role in environmental persistence
Lire plus23 juin 2016
Impact of percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation procedural steps on leaflets histology and mechanical behaviour: An in vitro study.
Lire plus08 avr. 2016
11 mars 2016
Study of in vivo catheter biofilm infections using pediatric central venous catheter implanted in rat
Lire plus16 sept. 2015
10 sept. 2015
06 août 2015
06 août 2015
02 août 2015
23 juil. 2015
16 juil. 2015
06 juil. 2015
Selective propensity of bovine jugular vein material to bacterial adhesions: An in-vitro study.
Lire plus02 juil. 2015
16 juin 2015
11 mai 2015
23 févr. 2015
In vitro activity of gentamicin, vancomycin or amikacin combined with EDTA or l-arginine as lock therapy against a wide spectrum of biofilm-forming clinical strains isolated from catheter-related infections
Lire plus14 févr. 2015
Inhibition of type 1 fimbriae-mediated Escherichia coli adhesion and biofilm formation by trimeric cluster thiomannosides conjugated to diamond nanoparticles.
Lire plus03 janv. 2015
01 janv. 2015
10 nov. 2014
Dynamic modulation of fimbrial extension and FimH-mannose binding force on live bacteria under pH changes: a molecular atomic force microscopy analysis.
Lire plus01 nov. 2014
The dynamics and pH-dependence of Ag43 adhesins’ self-association probed by atomic force spectroscopy
Lire plus23 sept. 2014
01 sept. 2014
Biofilm-related infections: bridging the gap between clinical management and fundamental aspects of recalcitrance toward antibiotics
Lire plus19 août 2014
Biofilms formed by gram-negative bacteria undergo increased lipid A palmitoylation enhancing in vivo survival
Lire plus23 juil. 2014
Bacteria hold their breath upon surface contact as shown in a strain of Escherichia coli, using dispersed surfaces and flow cytometry analysis
Lire plus15 mai 2014
pH-mediated potentiation of aminoglycosides kills bacterial persisters and eradicates in vivo biofilms
Lire plus01 mai 2014
Preventing biofilm formation and associated occlusion by biomimetic glycocalyxlike polymer in central venous catheters
Lire plus01 avr. 2014
03 févr. 2014
In Vitro Activities of Dermaseptins K4S4 and K4K20S4 against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Planktonic Growth and Biofilm Formation
Lire plus01 févr. 2014
Management of infections related to totally implantable venous-access ports: challenges and perspectives
Lire plus23 janv. 2014
A new biofilm-associated colicin with increased efficiency against biofilm bacteria
Lire plus20 déc. 2013
Bacterial biofilm mechanical properties persist upon antibiotic treatment and survive cell death
Lire plus04 oct. 2013
Induction of the Cpx envelope stress pathway contributes to Escherichia coli tolerance to antimicrobial peptides
Lire plus23 sept. 2013
Sugar-modified foldamers as conformationally defined and biologically distinct glycopeptide mimics.
Lire plus05 sept. 2013
Did I pick the right colony? Pitfalls in the study of regulation of the phase variable antigen 43 adhesin
Lire plus13 mai 2013
07 mai 2013
Identification of commensal Escherichia coli genes involved in biofilm resistance to pathogen colonization
Lire plus21 mars 2013
03 janv. 2013
Starvation, together with the SOS response, mediates high biofilm-specific tolerance to the fluoroquinolone ofloxacin
Lire plus01 oct. 2012
Full and broad-spectrum in vivo eradication of catheter-associated biofilms using gentamicin-EDTA antibiotic lock therapy
Lire plus19 sept. 2012
Mapping of bacterial biofilm local mechanics by magnetic microparticle actuation
Lire plus17 août 2012
Functional heterogeneity of the UpaH autotransporter protein from uropathogenic Escherichia coli
Lire plus16 mai 2012
A rat model of central venous catheter to study establishment of long-term bacterial biofilm and related acute and chronic infections
Lire plus27 janv. 2012
Molecular characterization of the EhaG and UpaG trimeric autotransporter proteins from pathogenic Escherichia coli
Lire plus01 janv. 2012
Molecular characterization of UpaB and UpaC, two new autotransporter proteins of uropathogenic Escherichia coli CFT073
Lire plus31 mai 2011
Bacterial surface appendages strongly impact nanomechanical and electrokinetic properties of Escherichia coli cells subjected to osmotic stress
Lire plus22 févr. 2011
The sweet connection: Solving the riddle of multiple sugar-binding fimbrial adhesins in Escherichia coli: Multiple E. coli fimbriae form a versatile arsenal of sugar-binding lectins potentially involved in surface-colonisation and tissue tropism
Lire plus08 oct. 2010
Silent mischief: bacteriophage Mu insertions contaminate products of Escherichia coli random mutagenesis performed using suicidal transposon delivery plasmids mobilized by broad-host-range RP4 conjugative machinery
Lire plus23 mars 2010
Escherichia coli K-12 possesses multiple cryptic but functional chaperone-usher fimbriae with distinct surface specificities
Lire plus26 août 2009
Biofilm-forming Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria undergo lipopolysaccharide structural modifications and induce enhanced inflammatory cytokine response in human monocytes
Lire plus01 oct. 2008
Impact of rpoS deletion on the proteome of Escherichia coli grown planktonically and as biofilm
Lire plus01 juil. 2008
18 avr. 2008
UpaG, a new member of the trimeric autotransporter family of adhesins in uropathogenic Escherichia coli
Lire plus01 janv. 2008
09 avr. 2007
Functional analysis of antigen 43 in uropathogenic Escherichia coli reveals a role in long-term persistence in the urinary tract
Lire plus23 mars 2007
Tight modulation of Escherichia coli bacterial biofilm formation through controlled expression of adhesion factors
Lire plus01 févr. 2006
The transcriptional antiterminator RfaH represses biofilm formation in Escherichia coli
Lire plus29 août 2005
01 mars 2005
CpxR/OmpR interplay regulates curli gene expression in response to osmolarity in Escherichia coli
Lire plus15 févr. 2005
Combined inactivation and expression strategy to study gene function under physiological conditions: application to identification of new Escherichia coli adhesins
Lire plus01 janv. 2005
01 févr. 2004
Global impact of mature biofilm lifestyle on Escherichia coli K-12 gene expression
Lire plus01 août 2003
Shigella flexneri 2a strain 2457T expresses three members of the H-NS-like protein family: characterization of the Sfh protein
Lire plus19 juin 2003
In vitro DNA-binding properties of VirB, the Shigella flexneri virulence regulatory protein
Lire plus01 juin 2003
Three-way interactions among the Sfh, StpA and H-NS nucleoid-structuring proteins of Shigella flexneri 2a strain 2457T
Lire plus01 févr. 2003
An extended role for the nucleoid structuring protein H-NS in the virulence gene regulatory cascade of Shigella flexneri
Lire plus27 nov. 2002
Contribution of DNA conformation and topology in right-handed DNA wrapping by the Bacillus subtilis LrpC protein
Lire plus15 févr. 2002
Molecular dissection of VirB, a key regulator of the virulence cascade of Shigella flexneri
Lire plus01 mai 2001
Regulation of virulence gene expression in Shigella flexneri, a facultative intracellular pathogen
Lire plus01 févr. 2001
A possible role for L24 of Bacillus subtilis in nucleoid organization and segregation
Lire plus01 août 2000
Characterization of LrpC DNA-binding properties and regulation of Bacillus subtilis lrpC gene expression
Lire plus01 janv. 2000
The L17 ribosomal protein of Bacillus subtilis binds preferentially to curved DNA
Lire plus30 avr. 1998
Chromosomal inactivation of Bacillus subtilis exfusants: a prokaryotic model of epigenetic regulation
Lire plus01 sept. 1997
15 nov. 1996
Overproduction, purification and characterization of the HPB12-L24 ribosomal protein of Bacillus subtilis.
Lire plus01 avr. 1996