Ligne de temps
Thomas Bourgeron
Responsable de Structure
28 oct. 2024
07 nov. 2023
26 oct. 2023
Neuroscience Seminar Series | Varun Warrier “Using genetics to investigate the structure of the human cortex and links to psychiatric diagnoses.”
Lire plus26 juin 2023
03 avr. 2023
Semaine du cerveau 2023 – A quoi pensent les bébés ? Conférence du 18 mars à l’Institut Pasteur.
Lire plus01 janv. 2023
Excessive self-grooming, gene dysregulation and imbalance between the striosome and matrix compartments in the striatum of Shank3 mutant mice.
Lire plus08 déc. 2022
Troubles du spectre de l’autisme, troubles du neurodéveloppement : vulnérabilités et inégalités au sein des parcours de vie
Lire plus05 sept. 2022
Brain functional connectivity mirrors genetic pleiotropy in psychiatric conditions.
Lire plus26 août 2022
INCEPTION 2022 meeting: Integrative Biology, Social and Data Sciences to understand the Emergence of Diseases in Populations and in Individuals
Lire plus25 août 2022
INCEPTION 2022 meeting: Integrative Biology, Social and Data Sciences to understand the Emergence of Diseases in Populations and in Individuals
Lire plus15 juil. 2022
Insights from an autism imaging biomarker challenge: Promises and threats to biomarker discovery.
Lire plus13 juin 2022
Étude des facteurs génétiques impliqués dans l’autisme et les troubles apparentés (projet “C07/C16”)
Lire plus25 mars 2022
11 oct. 2021
INCEPTION 2021 meeting. A joint event: 5th annual meeting & Symposium « Social Sciences and Biology for Understanding Emerging Diseases »
Lire plus11 oct. 2021
INCEPTION 2021 meeting. A joint event: 5th annual meeting & Symposium « Social Sciences and Biology for Understanding Emerging Diseases »
Lire plus19 juil. 2021
Discriminant value of repetitive behaviors in families with autism spectrum disorder and obsessional compulsive disorder probands.
Lire plus01 juin 2021
Operative list of genes associated with autism and neurodevelopmental disorders based on database review.
Lire plus10 mai 2021
Call for abstracts – INCEPTION Symposium: Social Sciences and Biology for Understanding Emerging Diseases
Lire plus03 mars 2021
INCEPTION annual meeting 2020 – Integrative Biology, Social and Data Sciences to understand the Emergence of Diseases in Populations and in Individuals: Insights into COVID 19
Lire plus23 déc. 2020
Mass-spectrometry analysis of the human pineal proteome during night and day and in autism.
Lire plus19 oct. 2020
Mutations associated with neuropsychiatric conditions delineate functional brain connectivity dimensions contributing to autism and schizophrenia.
Lire plus14 oct. 2020
Genome-wide association study reveals new insights into the heritability and genetic correlates of developmental dyslexia.
Lire plus08 oct. 2020
11 sept. 2020
31 août 2020
Dissecting the phenotypic heterogeneity in sensory features in autism spectrum disorder: a factor mixture modelling approach.
Lire plus25 août 2020
Atypical Brain Asymmetry in Autism-A Candidate for Clinically Meaningful Stratification.
Lire plus07 août 2020
A chimeric mouse model to study human iPSC-derived neurons: the case of a truncating SHANK3 mutation.
Lire plus22 juin 2020
11 juin 2020
10 juin 2020
Autism-associated SHANK3 mutations impair maturation of neuromuscular junctions and striated muscles.
Lire plus07 mai 2020
14 avr. 2020
01 janv. 2020
19 juil. 2019
01 juil. 2019
20 mai 2019
Real-time analysis of the behaviour of groups of mice via a depth-sensing camera and machine learning.
Lire plus04 mai 2019
02 mai 2019
Mutations in ACTL6B Cause Neurodevelopmental Deficits and Epilepsy and Lead to Loss of Dendrites in Human Neurons
Lire plus11 févr. 2019
Genome-wide association scan identifies new variants associated with a cognitive predictor of dyslexia
Lire plus25 janv. 2019
21 janv. 2019
Both rare and common genetic variants contribute to autism in the Faroe Islands.
Lire plus09 janv. 2019
Synesthesia & Autistic Features in a Large Family:evidence for spatial imagery as a common factor
Lire plus01 janv. 2019
Morning Plasma Melatonin Differences in Autism: Beyond the Impact of Pineal Gland Volume.
Lire plus07 nov. 2018
04 oct. 2018
Homozygous 2p11.2 deletion supports the implication of ELMOD3 in hearing loss and reveals the potential association of CAPG with ASD/ID etiology
Lire plus03 mai 2018
01 mai 2018
Measuring and Estimating the Effect Sizes of Copy Number Variants on General Intelligence in Community-Based Samples.
Lire plus01 avr. 2018
Cerebellar Volume in Autism: Literature Meta-analysis and Analysis of the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange Cohort.
Lire plus12 mars 2018
Genome-wide analyses of self-reported empathy: correlations with autism, schizophrenia, and anorexia nervosa.
Lire plus27 févr. 2018
27 févr. 2018
06 juin 2017
Genome-wide meta-analysis of cognitive empathy: heritability, and correlates with sex, neuropsychiatric conditions and cognition
Lire plus01 janv. 2017
A framework to identify contributing genes in patients with Phelan-McDermid syndrome.
Lire plus19 déc. 2016
14 nov. 2016
14 nov. 2016
14 nov. 2016
28 oct. 2016
INCEPTION – INstitut Convergences pour l’étude de l’Émergence des Pathologies au Travers des Individus et des populatiONs
Lire plus16 sept. 2016
mouseTube – a database to collaboratively unravel mouse ultrasonic communication
Lire plus05 juin 2016
10 mai 2016
CNTN6 mutations are risk factors for abnormal auditory sensory perception in autism spectrum disorders
Lire plus22 févr. 2016
18 févr. 2016
31 déc. 2015
01 déc. 2015
11q24.2-25 micro-rearrangements in autism spectrum disorders: Relation to brain structures.
Lire plus23 sept. 2015
A de novo microdeletion of SEMA5A in a boy with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability
Lire plus20 août 2015
From the genetic architecture to synaptic plasticity in autism spectrum disorder
Lire plus16 juil. 2015
16 juil. 2015
16 juil. 2015
16 juil. 2015
15 juil. 2015
Neuroanatomical Diversity of Corpus Callosum and Brain Volume in Autism: Meta-analysis, Analysis of the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange Project, and Simulation.
Lire plus14 mai 2015
25 mars 2015
01 déc. 2014
01 déc. 2014
Vitamin d in the general population of young adults with autism in the faroe islands
Lire plus01 déc. 2014
Influencing circadian and sleep-wake regulation for prevention and intervention in mood and anxiety disorders: what makes a good homeostat?
Lire plus01 sept. 2014
Meta-analysis of SHANK Mutations in Autism Spectrum Disorders: a gradient of severity in cognitive impairments.
Lire plus01 août 2014
Screening, intervention and outcome in autism and other developmental disorders: the role of randomized controlled trials
Lire plus10 juil. 2014
Cntnap4 differentially contributes to GABAergic and dopaminergic synaptic transmission
Lire plus13 mai 2014
Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Visual Word Form and Fusiform Face Areas
Lire plus24 avr. 2014
Convergence of genes and cellular pathways dysregulated in autism spectrum disorders
Lire plus03 mars 2014
Heterogeneous pattern of selective pressure for PRRT2 in human populations, but no association with autism spectrum disorders
Lire plus19 janv. 2014
Common variants in genes of the postsynaptic FMRP signalling pathway are risk factors for autism spectrum disorders
Lire plus03 déc. 2013
07 oct. 2013
28 août 2013
The Autism ProSAP1/Shank2 mouse model displays quantitative and structural abnormalities in ultrasonic vocalisations
Lire plus22 juil. 2013
01 juin 2013
09 juil. 2012
Crystal structure and functional mapping of human ASMT, the last enzyme of the melatonin synthesis pathway
Lire plus27 juin 2012
High-functioning autism spectrum disorder and fragile X syndrome: report of two affected sisters
Lire plus29 avr. 2012
09 févr. 2012
Genetic and functional analyses of SHANK2 mutations suggest a multiple hit model of autism spectrum disorders.
Lire plus06 janv. 2012
Adult male mice emit context-specific ultrasonic vocalizations that are modulated by prior isolation or group rearing environment
Lire plus01 nov. 2011
Genetic variations of the melatonin pathway in patients with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorders.
Lire plus04 mars 2011
Variations of the candidate SEZ6L2 gene on Chromosome 16p11.2 in patients with autism spectrum disorders and in human populations.
Lire plus20 janv. 2011
Mutation screening of ASMT, the last enzyme of the melatonin pathway, in a large sample of patients with intellectual disability
Lire plus05 janv. 2011
03 août 2010
Production of soluble, active acetyl serotonin methyl transferase in Leishmania tarentolae
Lire plus15 juil. 2010
Identification of pathway-biased and deleterious melatonin receptor mutants in autism spectrum disorders and in the general population
Lire plus06 juil. 2010
Key role for gene dosage and synaptic homeostasis in autism spectrum disorders.
Lire plus05 juil. 2010
Mutation screening of NOS1AP gene in a large sample of psychiatric patients and controls
Lire plus21 juin 2009
01 févr. 2009
23 janv. 2009
01 sept. 2008
01 janv. 2008
17 déc. 2006
Mutations in the gene encoding the synaptic scaffolding protein SHANK3 are associated with autism spectrum disorders
Lire plus01 janv. 2006
Expression and genetic variability of PCDH11Y, a gene specific to Homo sapiens and candidate for susceptibility to psychiatric disorders
Lire plus01 nov. 2003
01 janv. 2003