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With interests ranging from brain development and brain disease to neuronal circuitry, P-M Lledo is best known for his studies of the interplay between sensory inputs and brain plasticity, when the malleability of the nervous system allows experiences to shape the lifelong wiring of the brain. His research has employed techniques from systems and molecular neuroscience to probe the mechanisms of neural wiring, the limits of early brain plasticity, and how such neuronal plasticity depends on neurogenesis throughout life. Such work could have profound implications for developmental disorders as well as learning, education and mood disorders.

P-M Lledo is also directing the laboratory « Genes, Synapses & Cognition » at the CNRS together with Pierre-Jean Corringer, the Laboratory for « Perception and Memory » and the Neurosciences course for Master students both at the Pasteur Institute. He is a member of the Academia Europaea and has been appointed as president of the Scientific Council (Neuroscience section) at the Fonds National Belge de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS).


MOOC: “From Neuron to Behavior”

We are pleased to anounce the new Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) entiteled “From Neuron to Beahvior”. The MOOC will cover leading-edge topics in neurosciences ranging from evolution, developpement, brain plasticity and brain disorder […]

2016-05-16 09:00:00 2020-02-29 Europe/Paris MOOC: “From Neuron to Behavior” We are pleased to anounce the new Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) entiteled “From Neuron to Beahvior”. The MOOC will cover leading-edge topics in neurosciences ranging from evolution, developpement, brain plasticity and brain disorder […] 25 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

Development and Plasticty of the Nervous System

This five-week intensive laboratory and lecture course covers the main cutting-edge topics in neuroscience research. This course offers a full training program for advanced graduate and PhD students, as well as post-graduate neurobiologists and […]

2024-09-09 09:30:00 2024-10-10 00:00:00 Europe/Paris Development and Plasticty of the Nervous System This five-week intensive laboratory and lecture course covers the main cutting-edge topics in neuroscience research. This course offers a full training program for advanced graduate and PhD students, as well as post-graduate neurobiologists and […] 28 Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France

Projets Transversaux





Pierre-Marie Lledo                                                                                   Phone: +33-145-688-803
The Pasteur Institute and CNRS,                                                              Fax: +33-145-688-369
25, rue du Dr. Roux, 75724 Paris, France.                                               E-mail: pmlledo@pasteur.fr

 Education / Training
1998 –  Habilitation (Paris XI University, School of Medicine).
1991  –   Ph.D. in Neuroscience (“Summa cum laude”, Bordeaux University).
1986 –   Ecole Normale Superieure (Cachan, Life Science).

 Current Positions
Chairman of the Department of Neuroscience at the Pasteur Institute

Head of the Laboratory “Perception and Memory” at the Pasteur Institute

Director of the Unit “Genes, Synapses and Cognition” at the French Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)

Director of the Teaching Graduate Program “Neuroscience” at the Pasteur Institute

Professional positions held
2012-2015      –   Member of the Scientific Council of Endowed International Chairs « Blaise Pascal ».

Since 2009       –   Chairman of the Scientific Council of the FNRS (Belgium).

2009-2014       –   Member of the Scientific Council of “Biovision” (The World Life Sciences Forum).

2009-2012      –   Vice-president of the Scientific Council at the Institut Pasteur.

2009-2014      –   Faculty member of the Universita’ di Torino (Italy).

2008 – 2012       –   Panel Expert at the European Commission (FP7 and ERA-Net program).

2007-2014       –   Member of the PhD program committee (Ecole Doctorale 3C) at University Paris VI.

2007-2009      –   Member of the Scientific Council of the Institut Pasteur.

2007 – 2013       –   Member of the Executive Council of the Paris Neuroscience Foundation (ENP).

2006-2014       –   Coordinator of the Network of European Neuroscience Institutes in Paris (ENINET).

Since 2004       –   Director of a Research Unit at the CNRS (UMR 3571, Paris, France).

Since 2003       –   Senior Scientist at the CNRS (DR1) at the Institut Pasteur in Paris (France).

2001-2003      –   Senior Scientist at the CNRS (DR2) in Gif-sur-Yvette (France).

Since 2001       –   Head of a Research Unit at the Institut Pasteur in Paris (France)

1997-2000      –   Associate Researcher (tenured position, CR1) at the CNRS in Gif-sur-Yvette (France).

1995-1997      –   Visiting Scientist (NSF & NIH fellowships) at U.C.S.F. (USA).

1992-1995      –   Assistant Researcher (tenured position, CR2) at the CNRS in Gif-sur-Yvette (France).

1991-1992      –   Post-doctoral fellow (Wellcome trust) at Cambridge University (U.K.).

Teaching Experience / Organizing meetings

June 2016        –   Organizer, Symposium “Olfactory Plasticity” for ISOT (Yokohama, Japan)

March 2013     –   Organizer, Symposium “Lifestyle diseases” for Biovision (Lyon, France)

Sept. 2012       –   Organizer, Les Treilles Meeting: Cognitive Development (Nice, France)

October 2011  –   Organizer, Les Treilles Meeting: Neuronal Development (Nice, France)

March 2011     –   Organizer, Biovision: The Social Brain (Lyon, France)

January 2011   –   Organizer, Keystone Symposia: Adult Neural Stem Cells (Taos, USA)

June 2009        –   Organizer, International Meeting: Neurosciences and Marketing (Tours, France)

March. 2008    –   Organizer, International Meeting: Brain plasticity (Paris, France)

Sept. 2007       –   Organizer, Pasteur Institute: A tribute to Jean-Pierre Changeux (Paris, France)

Sept. 2007       –   Organizer, Les Treilles Meeting: Olfactory systems (Nice, France)

Sept. 2006       –   Organizer, International Meeting: Stem Cells (Paris, France)

March 2005     –   Organizer, International Meeting: Sensory deficit (Paris, France)

Sept. 2004       –   Organizer, Les Treilles Meeting: Sensory systems (Nice, France)

April 2003       –   Organizer, International Workshop: Brain Variability (Paris, France)

Since 2003       –   Visiting Lecturer, Ecole Normale Supérieure (undergraduate, Cachan)

Since 2003       –   Visiting Lecturer, University of Marseille (undergraduate, France)

Since 2002       –   Visiting Lecturer, Ecole Normale Supérieure (undergraduate, Paris)

2002- 2006     –    Visiting Lecturer, Univ. of Versailles (PhD, France)

2002-2006      –   Visiting Lecturer, Inst. de Formation Supérieure Biomédicale (Paris)

Since 2001       –     Visiting Lecturer, Univ. of Paris VI (PhD program in Neuroscience)

March 2000     –   Visiting Lecturer, ESPCI, Paris (PhD program in Neuroscience)

1999-2004      –     Visiting Lecturer, University of Paris XI (PhD program in Neuroscience)

Dec. 1998        –   Instructor, INSERM Workshop: “Biotechnology applied to single cell”

Dec.1997         –   Instructor, CNRS Workshop: “Electrophysiology “ (Bordeaux, France)

Administrative Responsibilities / Referee / Editors

2008- 2012: Coordinator of The Stem Cells Collaborative Program in Paris (11 labs, 75 peoples, ENP).

Since 2007: Coordinator of The European Network of Neuroscience Institutes (ENI-NET).

Member of the Site Review Boards Post-transcriptome CNRS-Canada in 2007.

Member of the Executive Board Neuropole 2006-2007.

Member of EU Review Panels 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.

2008-2010: Member of the Executive Board “Paris Neuroscience Foundation” (ENP).

Member of the Review Panel for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Olfaction) in 2009.

President, Site visits committee of the AERES (French research Natl. Agency) in Dijon (2009, 2011).

Member of the Site visits committee of the AERES in Bordeaux (2009).

President of the site visit committee of AERES in Dijon, 2011.

Grant Review (from 1996 onwards): France: CNRS, INSERM, Natl. Acad. of Science, French Res. Ministry, FRM, FRC, Neuropole, ANR and AERES) and Région Aquitaine; European Community (ERC and Marie Curie); U.K.: Wellcome Trust; Switzerland: SNF; Spain: CSIC; Belgium: FNRS; Italy: CNR; New Zealand: HRC; USA: NSF and NIH; Republic of Cyprus: Research Promotion Foundation; Israel: Israel Science Foundation and Weizmann Institute.

Thesis Referee (from 1997 onwards): 42 theses (in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland).

Since 2007: Review Editor for Frontiers in Neuroscience.

Since 2008: Associate Editor for Frontiers in Neurogenesis.

Since 2009: Associate Editor for Neural Systems & Circuits (BioMed Central).

Editor for Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Springer Verlag (Berlin, 2009).

Editor for Textbook in Neurosciences, Springer Verlag (Berlin, 2012).

Since 2014: F1000Prime (Faculty Member).

Since 2014: F1000Research (Advisory Board Member).

Honors and Awards

1987-91: French Ministry of Education Research Scholarship.

1991-92: Welcome Trust Fellowship.

1995-97: National Science Foundation (NSF) and NIH Fellowships.

1995: CNRS Medal for the best Junior scientist.

1995: “Young Investigator” Award from Paris Academy.

1996: “Young Investigator” Award from Ministry of Defense and Technology  Researches (DRET).

2002: Award from the Schlumberger Foundation for Education & Research.

2004: First Award of the French National Academy of Medicine.

2005:  “NRJ” Award from the French National Academy of Science.

2006: Member of the Academia Europaea.

2007: Jaffé Award from the French National Academy of Science.

2009: Member of the New York Academy of Sciences.

2010: Award “Camille Woringer” from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.

2011: Prize of Scientific Excellence (“Prime d’Excellence Scientifique”) of the CNRS.

2012: Award “Mémain-Pelletier” from the French National Academy of Science.

2012: Award “Grand Prix” from the Saintonge Academy.

2013: Award “Grand Prix” from the Fondation Prince Louis de Polignac.

 Mentoring Graduate Students

1993 – 1995:  Annie Lannuzel (Ph.D. degree, Paris VI)

1997 – 2001: David Desmaisons (Ph.D. degree, Paris VI)

1997 – 2001: Alan Carleton (Ph.D. ENS, Paris XI)

1999 – 2002:  Christelle Rochefort (Ph.D. degree, Paris VI)

2000 – 2002: Javier Morante-Oria (Ph.D. degree, Paris VI)

2001 – 2006: Samuel Lagier (Ph.D. ENS, Paris VI)

2001 – 2006: Antoine DeChevigny (Ph.D. degree, Paris VI)

2001 – 2005: Morgane Lemasson (Ph.D. degree, Paris VI)

2004 – 2005: Catherine Kielar (Master degree, Paris VI)

2004 – 2005: Brice Bathelier (Master degree, ENS Paris VI)

2006 – 2009: Aurélie Mouret (Ph.D. ENS, Paris VI)

2008 – 2012: Marta Pallotto (Ph.D. degree, Paris VI)

2009 – 2010:  Bertrand Hermann (Ecole de l’Inserm, Paris VII)

2009 – 2010:  Aurélia Sahel (Master degree, Paris VI)

2010 – 2011: Isabelle Bourdet (Master degree, Paris VI)

2010 – 2011:  Walid Bouthour (Ecole de l’Inserm, Paris VII)

2011 – 2012: Andrew Sideris (Ph.D. ENP, Paris VI)

2013 – 2016: Marie Denizet (Ph.D. ENS, Paris VI)

2013 – 2016: Camille Mazo (Ph.D. ENS, Paris VI)

Mentoring Postdoctoral Fellows

1993-1994: Serge Schiffmann (HSFP Fellow)

1993-1994: José-Antonio Lamas (CSIC Fellow)

1994-1997: Hassan Salim (AIDS Foundation Fellow)

1998-2000: Albert Hsia (FRM & Fyssen Fellow)

2001-2002:  Alan Carleton (Pasteur Institute Fellow)

2000-2005:  Armen Saghatelyan (Pasteur Institute Fellow)

2002-2004: Marc Davenne (HSFP & Schlumberger Foundation)

2003-2004: Xavier Grosmaitre (Pasteur Institute Fellow)

2004-2009 : Mariana Alonso (FRM Fellow)

2005- 2007:  Matt Grubb (Pierre & Marie Curie Fellow)

2005-2009:   Katagiri Hiroyuki (Pasteur Institute Fellow)

2005-2009:   Antoine Nissant (Schlumberger Foundation Fellow)

2006-2007:   Inmaculada Ortega-Pérez (ANR Fellow)

2006-2009:   Sheyla Mejia (ANR Fellow)

2008-2010:   Claudia Feistein (Paris Neuroscience Foundation Fellow)

2008-2010:   Cedric Bardy (ANR Fellow)

2008-2011:   Richard Belvindrah (ARC Fellowship)

2009-2014:   Gabriel Lespousez (FRM Fellowship)

2010-2014:   Benjamin Gallarda (Foundation Pasteur Fellowship)

2010-2014:   Matt Valley (EU-FP7 Fellowship)

Since 2011:   Martin Wiechert (Pasteur Institute Fellowship)

Since 2012:   Kurt Sailor (Pasteur Institute Fellowship)

Since 2014:   Aleksandra Polosukhina (Foundation Pasteur Fellowship)

Since 2012:   Eleni Siopi (ANR Fellow)


Selected Main Research Articles

  1. Lepousez G, Nissant A & Lledo P-M (2015). Adult neurogenesis and the future of the rejuvenating brain circuits. Neuron 86, 387-401.
  2. Cuccioli V, Belvindrah R, Lledo P-M & Martinez S. (2015). Attractive function of FGF-signaling contributes to the postnatal developing hippocampus. Hippocampus 25, 486-499.
  3. Sailor KA et Lledo P-M. (2014). Top-down modulation of interneuron survival in the olfactory bulb (Commentary on Komano-Inoue et al. Eur J Neurosci. 40, 2014). J. Neurosci. 40, 2723.
  4. Lepousez G, Nissant A, Bryant AK, Gheusi G, Greer C & Lledo P-M (2014). Olfactory learning promotes input-specific synaptic plasticity in adult-born neurons. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 111, 13984 -13989.
  5. Lazarini F, Gabellec M-M, Moigneu C & Lledo P-M (2014). Adult neurogenesis restores dopaminergic neuronal loss in the olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 34, 14430-14442.
  6. Soria-Gómez E, et al. (2014). The endocannabinoid system controls food intake via olfactory processes. Neurosci. 17, 407-415.
  7. Khodosevich K, Lazarini F, Kaneko H, Lledo P-M & Monyer H (2013). Connective tissue growth factor regulates interneuron survival and information processing in the olfactory bulb. Neuron 79, 1136-1151.
  8. Lepousez G & Lledo P-M. (2013). Odor discrimination requires proper olfactory fast oscillations in awake mice. Neuron 80, 1010-1024.
  9. Valley M, Henderson LG, Inverso SA & Lledo P-M. (2013). Adult neurogenesis produces neurons with unique GABAergic synapses in the olfactory bulb. Neurosci., 33, 14660-14665.
  10. Brus M, Meurisse M, Gheusi G, Keller M, Lledo P-M & Levy F (2013). Dynamics of olfactory and hippocampal neurogenesis in adult sheep. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 521, 169-88.
  11. Díaz D, Lepousez G, Gheusi G, Alonso JR, Lledo P-M* & Weruaga E* (2012). Bone marrow cell transplantation restores olfaction in the degenerated olfactory bulb. Neurosci., 32, 9053-9058 (*Auteurs Seniors).
  12. Pallotto M, Nissant A, Fritschy J-M, Rudolph U, Sassoè-Pognetto M,Panzanelli P & Lledo P-M (2012). Early formation of GABAergic synapses governs the development of adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 32, 9103-9115.
  13. Jaillard C, Mouret A, Niepon ML, Lee-Rivera I, Clérin E, Aït-Ali N, Millet-Puel G, Sedmak T, Yang Y, Raffelsberger W, Kinzel B, Trembleau A, Poch O, Bennett J, Wolfrum U, Lledo PM, Sahel JA & Léveillard T (2012). Nxnl2 splicing results in dual functions in neuronal cell survival and maintenance of cell integrity. Human Molecular Genetics, 21, 2298-2311.
  14. Alonso M, Wagner S, Lepousez G, Gabellec MM, Torquet N & Lledo P-M (2012). Activation of adult-born neurons facilitates learning and memory. Neurosci. 15, 897-904.
  15. Lazarini F, Gabellec MM, Torquet N & Lledo P-M (2012). Early activation of microglia triggers long-lasting impairment of adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 32: 3652-64.
  16. Mejia-Gervacio S, Murray K, Sapir T, Belnindrah R, Reiner O & Lledo P-M (2012). Mark2/Par-1 guides the directionality of neuroblasts migrating to the olfactory bulb. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 49, 97-103.
  17. Lepousez G, Alonso M, Wagner S, Gallarda BW & Lledo P-M (2011). Selective viral transduction of adult-born olfactory neurons for chronic in vivo optogenetic stimulation. J Vis Exp., 28; (58). Pii: 3380.
  18. Valley M, Wagner S, Gallarda BW & Lledo PM (2011). Using Affordable LED Arrays for Photo-Stimulation of Neurons. J Vis Exp. 57, pii: 3379.
  19. Tepavcevic V, Lazarini F, Alfaro-Cervello C, Kerninon C, Yoshikawa K, Garcia Verdugo J-M, Lledo P-M, Nait-Oumesmar B & Baron-Van Evercooren A (2011). Inflammation-induced subventricular zone dysfunction leads to olfactory deficits in a targeted mouse model of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Clinical Investigation 121, 4722-4734.
  20. Lepousez G & Lledo P-M (2011). Life and death decision in adult neurogenesis: In praise of napping. Neuron 71, 768-771.
  21. Belvindrah R, Nissant A & Lledo P-M. (2011). Abnormal neuronal migration changes the fate of developing neurons of the postnatal olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 31, 7551-7562.
  22. Scotto-Lomassese S, Nissant A, Mota T, Neant-Fery M, Oostra BA, Greer CA, Lledo PM, Trembleau A & Caille I. (2011). Fragile X mental retardation protein regulates new neuron differentiation in the adult olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 31, 2205-2215.
  23. Karagiri H, Pallotto M, Nissant A, Murray K, Sassoè-Pognetto M & Lledo P-M. (2011). Dynamic development of the first synapse impinging on adult-born olfactory neurons. Neural Systems & Circuits 1, 6.
  24. Mejia-Gervacio S, Murray K, & Lledo P-M (2011). NKCC1 controls GABAergic signaling and neuroblast migration in the postnatal forebrain. Neural Development 6, 4.
  25. Bardy C, Alonso M, Bouthour W &Lledo P-M. (2010). How, when and where new inhibitory neurons release neurotransmitters in the adult olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 30, 17023-17034.
  26. Feierstein C#, Lazarini F, Gabellec MM, de Chaumont F, Olivo-Marin JC, Boussin FD, Lledo PM# & Gheusi G. (2010). Disruption of adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb affects social interaction but not maternal behavior. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 4, Article 176. # Corresponding authors.
  27. Alén F, Mouret A, Viveros MP, Llorente R, Lepousez G, Lledo P-M & López-Moreno JA. (2010). Converging action of alcohol consumption and cannabinoid receptor activation on adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Neuropsychopharmacol. 13, 191-205.
  28. Mouret A, Gras J, Lepousez G, Gabellec MM & Lledo P-M. (2009). Turnover of newborn olfactory bulb neurons optimizes olfaction. Neurosci. 29, 12302-12314.
  29. Panzanelli P, Bardy C, Nissant A, Pallotto M,Sassoè-Pognetto M,Lledo P-M & Fritschy J-M. (2009). Early synapse formation in developing interneurons of the adult olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 29, 15039-15052.
  30. Lazarini F, Mouthon MA, Gheusi G, de Chaumont F, Olivo-Marin JC, Lamarque S, Nora Abrous D, Boussin FD & Lledo P-M. (2009). Cellular and behavioral effects of cranial irradiation of the adult subventricular zone. PlosOne 4, e7017.
  31. Nissant A, Bardy C, Murray K & Lledo P-M (2009). Neurogenesis promotes synaptic plasticity in the adult olfactory bulb. Nature Neurosci. 12, 728-730 (selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology).
  32. Lledo P-M (2009). Dissecting the pathophysiology of depression with a Swiss army knife. Neuron 62, 453-455.
  33. Gheusi G, Ortega-Perez I, Murray KM & Lledo P-M (2009). A niche for neurogenesis in social behavior. Behavioural Brain Research 200, 315-322.
  34. Mouret A, Gheusi G, Gabellec MM, de Chaumont F, Olivo-Marin JC & Lledo P-M. (2008). Learning and survival of newly generated neurons: when time matters. Neurosci. 28, 11511-11516.
  35. Alonso M, Ortega-Perez I, Grubb M, Bourgois JP, Charneau P & Lledo P-M. (2008). A novel neurogenic niche for the adult olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 28, 11089-11102.
  36. Katsimpardi L, Gaitanou M, Malnou C, Lledo P-M, Charneau P, Matsas R & Thomaidou D (2008). BM88/Cend1 expression levels are critical for proliferation and differentiation of subventricular zone-derived neural precursor cells. Stem Cells 26, 1796-1807.
  37. Grubb M, Nissant A, Murray K & Lledo P-M. (2008). Functional maturation of the first synapse in olfaction: Development and adult neurogenesis. Neurosci. 28, 2919-2932.
  38. Lagier S, Panzanelli P, Sassoè-Pognetto M, Fritschy JM & Lledo P-M. (2007). GABAergic inhibition at dendro-dendritic synapses tunes gamma oscillations. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 104, 7259-64.
  39. Gabellec M M, Panzanelli P, Sassoè-Pognetto M & Lledo P-M. (2007). Synapse-specific localization of vesicular glutamate transporters in the rat olfactory bulb. J. Neurosci. 25, 1373-83.
  40. Romero-Grimaldi C, Gheusi G, Lledo P-M & Estrada C. (2006). Chronic inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis enhances both subventricular zone neurogenesis and olfactory learning in adult mice. J. Neurosci. 24, 2461-70.
  41. Alonso M, Viollet C, Gabellec M-M, Meas-Yadid V, Olivo-Marin J-C & Lledo P-M. (2006). Olfactory discrimination learning increases the survival of adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 26, 10508-13.
  42. de Chevigny A, Lemasson M, Saghatelyan A, Sibbe M, Schachner M & Lledo P-M. (2006). Delayed onset of odor detection in neonatal mice lacking tenascin-C. Cell. Neurosci. 32, 174-186.
  43. Bathelier B, Lagier S, Faure P & Lledo P-M. (2006). Circuit properties generating gamma oscillations in the mammalian olfactory bulb. Neurophysiol. 95, 2678-2691.
  44. Rochefort C & Lledo P-M. (2005). Short-term survival of newborn neurons in the adult olfactory bulb. J. Neurosci. 22, 2863-2870.
  45. Lemasson M, Saghatelyan A, Olivo-Marin JC & Lledo P-M. (2005). Neonatal and adult neurogenesis provide two distinct populations of granule cells in the mouse olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 25, 6816-6825.
  46. Hack M, Saghatelyan A, de Chevigny A, Lledo P-M & Götz M. (2005). Neuronal fate determinants of adult olfactory bulb neurogenesis. Neurosci. 8, 865-871.
  47. Saghatelyan A, Roux P, Migliore M, Rochefort C,Charneau P, Shepherd G & Lledo P-M. (2005). Activity-dependent adjustments of the inhibitory network in the adult olfactory bulb following early postnatal deprivation. Neuron 46, 103-116.
  48. Davenne M, Custody C, Charneau P & Lledo P-M. (2005). In vivo imaging of migrating neurons in the mammalian forebrain. Senses 30, 115-116.
  49. Lemasson M, Delbé C, Gheusi G & Lledo P-M. (2005). Use of ultrasonic vocalizations to assess olfactory detection in mouse pups treated with 3-methylindole. Behavioral Processes 68, 13-23.
  50. Mechawar N, Saghatelyan A, Grailhe R, Lledo P-M & Changeux JP. (2004). Nicotinic receptors regulate the survival of newborn neurons in the adult olfactory bulb. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 101, 9822-9826.
  51. Lagier S, Carleton A & Lledo P-M. (2004). Interplay between local GABAergic interneurons and relay neurons generates gamma oscillations in the rat olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 24, 4382-4392.
  52. Saghatelyan A, DeChevigny A, Schachner M & Lledo P-M. (2004). Tenascin-R fosters radial migration of neuroblasts in the adult forebrain. Neurosci. 7, 347-356.
  53. Carleton A, Petreanu L, Lansford R, Alvarez-Buylla A & Lledo P-M. (2003). Becoming a new neuron in the adult olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 6, 507-518.
  54. Morantes-Oria J, Carleton A, Fairen A & Lledo P-M. (2003). Subpallial origin of a population of projecting pioneer neurons during corticogenesis. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 100, 12468-12473.
  55. Lledo P-M & Gheusi G (2003). Olfactory processing in a changing brain. Neuroreport 14, 1655-1663.
  56. Rochefort C, Gheusi G, Vincent J-D & Lledo P-M. (2002). Enriched odor-exposure increases the number of newborn neurons in the adult olfactory bulb and improves odor memory. Neurosci. 22, 2679-2689.
  57. Carleton A, Tremblay P, Vincent J-D & Lledo P-M. (2001). A dose-dependent PrP-mediated facilitation effect on excitatory synaptic transmission in the hippocampus. J. Physiol. 442, 223-229.
  58. Didier A, Carleton A, Bjaalie JG, Ottersen OP, Storm-Mathisen J & Lledo P-M. (2001). A dendrodendritic reciprocal synapse provides a new recurrent excitatory connection in the olfactory bulb. Natl. Acad. Sci. 98, 6441-6446.
  59. Salin P, Lledo P-M, Vincent J-D & Charpak S. (2001). Dendritic glutamate autoreceptors modulate signal processing in rat mitral cells. Neurophysiol. 85, 1275-1282.
  60. Boutet A, Salim H, Taoufik Y, Lledo P-M, Delfraissy JF & Tardieu M. (2001). Isolated human astrocytes are not susceptible to infection by M- and T-tropic HIV-1 strains despite functional expression of the chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4. Glia 34, 165-177.
  61. Franco R, Ferre S, Agnati L, Gines S, Hillion J, Casado V, Lledo P-M, Zoli M, Lluis C & Fuxe K. (2000). Evidence for Adenosine/Dopamine receptor interactions : Indications for heteromerization. 23, 50-59.
  62. Cremer H, Chazal G, Lledo P-M, Rougon G, Montaron MF, Mayo W, Le Moal M & Abrous DN. (2000). PSA-NCAM: an important regulator of hippocampal plasticity. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 18, 213-220.
  63. Gheusi G, Cremer H, McLean H, Vincent J-D & Lledo P-M. (2000). Importance of newly generated neurons in the adult olfactory bulb for odor discrimination. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 97, 1823-1828.
  64. Salim H, Ferre S, Dalal A, Peterfreund RA, Fuxe K, Vincent J-D & Lledo P-M. (1999). Activation of adenosine A1 and A2a receptors modulates dopamine D2 receptor-induced responses in transfected neuroblastoma cells. Neurochem. 74, 432-439.
  65. Desmaisons D, Vincent J-D & Lledo P-M. (1999). Control of action potential timing by intrinsic subthreshold oscillations in olfactory bulb output neurons. Neurosci. 19, 10727-10737.
  66. Hsia AY, Vincent J-D & Lledo P-M. (1999). Dopamine depresses synaptic inputs into the olfactory bulb. Neurophysiol. 82, 1082-1085.
  67. Castillo PE, Carleton A, Vincent J-D & Lledo P-M. (1999). Multiple and opposing roles of cholinergic transmission in the main olfactory bulb. Neurosci. 19, 9180-9191.
  68. Cremer H., Chazal G., Carleton A., Goridis C., Vincent J-D & Lledo P-M. (1998). Long-term but not short-term plasticity requires NCAM molecules at mossy fibre synapses. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 95, 13242-13247.
  69. Johannes L, Lledo P-M, Chameau P, Vincent J-D, Henry J & Darchen F. (1998). Regulation of the calcium-sensitivity of exocytosis by Rab3a. Neurochem. 71, 1127-1133.
  70. Lledo P-M, Zhang S, Südhof T, Malenka RC & Nicoll R. (1998). Postsynaptic membrane fusion and long-term potentiation. Science 279, 399-403.
  71. Lledo P-M, Trembley P, Dearmond S, Prusiner S & Nicoll R. (1996). Mice deficient for prion protein exhibit normal neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission in the hippocampus. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 93, 2403-2407.
  72. Lledo P-M, Hjelmstad G, Mukherji S, Soderling TR, Malenka R & Nicoll R. (1995). Calcium/calmodulin-kinase II and LTP enhance synaptic transmission by the same mechanism. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 92, 11175-11179.
  73. Lannuzel A, Lledo P-M, Ouldlamghitnia H, Vincent J-D. & Tardieu M. (1995). Hiv-1 envelope proteins gp120 and gp160 potentiate nmda-induced [calcium]i increase, alter [calcium]i homeostasis and induce toxicity in human embryonic neurons. European Journal of Neuroscience 7, 2285-2293.
  74. Yang S-N, Dasgupta D, Lledo P-M, Vincent J-D. & Fuxe K. (1995). Reduction of dopamine D2 receptor transduction by activation of adenosine A2 receptors in stably A2/D2 (long form) receptor cotransfected mouse fibroblast cell line: studies on intracellular calcium levels. Neuroscience 68, 729-736.
  75. Schiffmann SS, Lledo P-M & Vincent J-D. (1995). Dopamine D1 receptor modulation of voltage-gated sodium channels is mediated through activation of the camp-dependent protein kinase in rat striatal neurones. Journal of Physiology (London) 483, 95-107.
  76. Lledo P-M, Mason WT & Zorec R. (1994). Study of stimulus-secretion coupling in single cell using antisense oligonucleotides and patch-clamp techniques to inhibit specific protein expression. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 14, 539-556.
  77. Perez F, Lledo P-M, Karagogeos D, Vincent J-D, Prochiantz A & Ayala J. (1994). Rab3a and rab3b carboxy-terminal peptides are both potent and specific inhibitors of prolactin release by rat cultured anterior pituitary cells. Molecular Endocrinology 8, 1278-1287.
  78. Johannes L, Lledo P-M, Roa M, Vincent J-D, Henry J & Darchen F. (1994). The GTPase Rab3a negatively controls regulated exocytosis in neuro-endocrine cells. EMBO Journal 13 (9), 2029-2037.
  79. Guerineau NC, Lledo P-M, Verrier D & Israel J-M. (1994). Evidence that TRH controls prolactin release from rat lactotrophs by stimulating a calcium influx. Cell Biol Toxicol 10, 311-316.
  80. Lledo P-M, Vernier P, Vincent J-D, Mason WT & Zorec R. (1993). Inhibition of Rab3b expression attenuates calcium-dependent exocytosis in rat anterior pituitary cells. Nature (London) 364, 540-544.
  81. Lledo P-M, Homburger V, Bockaert J & Vincent J-D. (1992). Differential G protein-mediated coupling of D2 dopamine receptors to K+ and Ca2+ currents in rat anterior pituitary cells. Neuron 8, 455-463.
  82. Lledo P-M, Somasundaram B, Emson P & Mason WT. (1992). Stable transfection of calbindin-D28k into the GH3 cell line alters calcium currents and intracellular calcium homeostasis. Neuron 9, 943-954.
  83. Baertshi AJ, Audigier Y, Lledo P-M, Israel JM, Bockaert J & Vincent J-D. (1992). Dialysis of lactotropes with antisense oligonucleotides assigns guanine nucleotide binding protein subtypes to their channel effectors. Molecular Endocrinology 6, 2257-2265.
  84. Vincent J-D, Kukstas LA & Lledo P-M. (1992). Endocrine cell excitability opens the way to novel pharmacological intervention: example of the anterior pituitary cell. Cell Biology and Toxicology 8, pp 85-91.
  85. Lledo P-M, Guerineau N, Mollard P, Vincent J-D & Israel JM. (1991). Physiological characterization of two functional states in subpopulations of prolactin cells from lactating rats. Physiol. (London) 437, 477-494.
  86. Lledo P-M, Israel J-M & Vincent J-D. (1991). Chronic stimulation of D2 dopamine receptors specifically inhibits calcium but not potassium currents in rat lactotrophs. Brain Research 558, 231-238.
  87. Kato M, Lledo P-M & Vincent J-D. (1991). Blockade by lithium ions of potassium channels in rat anterior pituitary cells. Journal of Physiology 261, c218-c223.
  88. Lledo P-M, Legendre P, Zhang J, Israel J-M & Vincent J-D. (1991). Effects of dopamine on voltage-dependent K+ currents of identified rat lactotroph cells. Neuroendocrinology 52, 545-555.
  89. Lledo P-M, Legendre P, Israel J-M & Vincent J-D. (1991). Dopamine inhibits two characterized voltage-dependent calcium currents in identified rat lactotroph cells. Endocrinology 127, 990-1001.
  90. Lledo P-M, Israel J-M & Vincent J-D. (1991). A guanine nucleotide-binding protein mediates the inhibition of voltage-dependent calcium currents by dopamine in rat lactotrophs. Brain Research 528, 143-147.

 Invited Chapters and Reviews

  1. Lledo P-M & Lepousez G. (2014). The future of the rejuvenating adult brain. Neuron (in press).
  2. Gheusi G & Lledo P-M (2014). Adult neurogenesis in the olfactory system shapes odor memory and perception. Brain Res. 208, 157-175.
  3. Lepousez G, Valley M & Lledo P-M. (2013). Adult neurogenesis in olfactory processing. Annual Review of Physiology 75, 339-363.
  4. Belvindrah R & Lledo P-M. (2013). The forebrain postnatal neurogenesis. In: Comprehensive developmental neuroscience: Cellular Migration and Formation of Neuronal Connections, Racik P & Rubenstein JLR (Eds), Elsevier (London), volume 2, pp. 405-416.
  5. Gheusi G, Lepousez G & Lledo P-M. (2013). Adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb: Integration and functional consequences. Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 15, 49-72.
  6. Gallarda BW & Lledo P-M (2013). Adult neurogenesis in the olfactory system and diagnostic implications. Current Molecular Medicine Review, Current Molecular Medicine Review 12, 1253-1260.
  7. Lledo P-M & Galizia G. (2013). Chemosensory system. In: Textbook in Neurosciences, Springer-Verlag (Ed.), pp. 253-285.
  8. Lepousez G & Lledo P-M. (2013). The forebrain postnatal neurogenesis. In: Comprehensive developmental neuroscience: Neural Circuit Development and Function in the Brain, Racik P & Rubenstein JLR (Eds), Elsevier (London), volume 3, pp. 3-19.
  9. Lazarini F & Lledo P-M. (2011). Is adult neurogenesis essential for olfaction? Trends in Neurosci. 34, 20-30.
  10. Belvindrah R, Lazarini F & Lledo P-M. (2010). Postnatal neurogenesis: From neuroblast migration to integration into mature circuits. Reviews in the Neurosciences 20, 331-346.
  11. Lledo P-M (2011) Wiring new neurons with old circuits. In: Neurogenesis in the Adult Brain (A. Alvarez-Buylla, K. Sawamoto, J. M. Parent & T Seki, eds) Springer Press, 361-383.
  12. Lledo P-M (2009) Olfaction & Gustation: Sensing chemical stimuli. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Springer Verlag (Berlin), 2970-77.
  13. Sassoè-Pognetto M, Panzanelli P, Lagier S, Fritschy J-M & Lledo P-M. (2009). GABAA receptor heterogeneity modulates dendrodendritic inhibition. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1170, 259-263.
  14. Mouret A, Murray K & Lledo P-M. (2009). Centrifugal drive onto local inhibitory interneurons of the olfactory bulb. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1170, 239–254.
  15. Lledo P-M, Merkle FT & Alvarez-Buylla (2008). Origin and function of olfactory bulb interneuron diversity. Trends in Neurosci. 31, 392-400.
  16. Lledo P-M (2008). Adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb. In: Adult Neurogenesis. Cold Spring Harbor Press (F. Gage Ed), 425-444.
  17. Mejia-Gervacio S & Lledo P-M (2008). Neuronal synchronization in the olfactory system. Cell Science 4, 35-53.
  18. Ortega-Perez I, Murray K & Lledo P-M (2008). The how and why of adult neurogenesis. Journal of Molecular Histology 38, 555-562.
  19. Lledo P-M. (2008). Regeneration in the olfactory bulb. In: Handbook of the Senses: Volume 2 — Olfaction and Taste (Basbaum et al., Eds). New-York: Elsevier.
  20. Lledo P-M & Lagier S (2007). Local interneurons transduce spatial coding into temporal patterning in the mammalian olfactory bulb. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 17, 443-453.
  21. Gheusi G & Lledo P.-M (2007). Control of early events in olfactory processing by adult neurogenesis. Senses 32, 397-409.
  22. Lledo P-M (2006). Neuronal replacement in adult olfactory bulb microcircuits. In: Microcircuits: The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function. Dahlem Workshop Report 93 (Grillner S et al., eds). Dahlem Workshop Report 93. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp. 217-235.
  23. Friedrich RW, Firestein S, Galizia CG, Greer CA, Laurent G, Lledo P-M, Mombaerts P & Sachse S (2006). Olfactory microcircuits. In: Microcircuits: The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function. Dahlem Workshop Report 93 (Grillner S et al., eds). Dahlem Workshop Report 93. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp. 275-294.
  24. Murray K & Lledo P-M (2006). Adult neural stem cells: fate and function. Pathol Biol. 54, 266-269.
  25. Lledo P-M, Grubb M. & Alonso M (2006). Adult neurogenesis and functional plasticity in neuronal circuits. Neurosci. Rev. 7, 179-193.
  26. Lledo P-M (2006). Neuronal replacement in the adult olfactory bulb microcircuits. In: Microcircuits: The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function. Grillner, S et al. (eds.). Dahlem Workshop Report 93. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp. 217-234.
  27. Lledo P-M & Saghatelyan (2005). Integrating new neurons into the adult olfactory bulb: joining the network, life/death decisions, and the effects of experience. Trends in Neurosciences 28, 248-254.
  28. Lledo P-M, Gheusi G & Vincent JD (2005). Information processing in the mammalian olfactory system. Physiological Reviews 85, 281-317.
  29. Lledo P-M, Saghatelyan A & Gheusi G (2004). Adult neurogenesis controls excitatory-inhibitory balance in the olfactory bulb. In: Excitatory-Inhibitory balance: synapses, circuits and systems plasticity. Hensch T (ed.), Kluwer Academic Press, pp. 197-215.
  30. Lledo P- M, Saghatelyan A & Lemasson M (2004). Inhibitory interneurons in the olfactory bulb: from development to function. The Neuroscientist 10, 292-303.
  31. Saghatelyan A, Carleton A, Lagier S, DeChevigny A & Lledo P-M (2003). Local neurons play key roles in the mammalian olfactory bulb. Physiol. (Paris) 97, 517-528.
  32. Carleton A, Rochefort C, Morante Oria J, Desmaisons D, Vincent J-D, Gheusi G & Lledo P-M (2002). Making scents of olfactory neurogenesis. Physiol. (Paris) 96, 115-122.
  33. Lledo P-M (2002). Homeostatic Mechanisms. In: Encyclopedia of human brain, Ramachandran VS (ed), Academic press inc., Vol. 2, 491-504.
  34. Lledo PM & Vincent JD (2002). Odor & olfaction. Soc. Biol. 196, 59-65.
  35. Vincent J-D & Lledo P-M (2001). Neuronal connectivity and transmitter substances implied in the transmission of the olfactive message. Acad. Natl. Med. 4, 689-705.
  36. Carleton A, Castillo PE, Vincent JD & Lledo P-M (2002). Multiple roles of cholinergic receptors in the olfactory bulb: Toward a unifying hypothesis. In: Recent Research Developments Neurochem., S. Pandalai (ed.), Research Signpost Publisher, Vol. 5, 159-168.
  37. Frerking M, R. Nicoll, C Lüscher & Lledo P-M (2001). Postsynaptic mechanisms in synaptic transmission. In: Neuroenergetics: relevance to functional brain imaging. R.S.J. Frackowiak, P.J. Magestretti, R.G. Schulman, J.S. Altman and M. Adams, eds. HFSP: Strasbourg. p 117-126.
  38. Desmaisons D, Carleton A, McLean H, Vincent J-D & Lledo P-M (2001). Neurotransmitters and synaptic circuitry of the main olfactory bulb. In: Recent Research Developments, Vol. 4, S.G. Pandalai (ed.), Research Signpost Publisher.
  39. Lledo P-M, Desmaisons D, Carleton A & Vincent J-D (1999). Physiology and molecular biology brought to single cell level. In: Methods in Enzymology, Ian P (ed.), Academic Press Inc, 313, p 143-156.
  40. Lledo P-M (1998). Mediation of secretory cell function by G protein-coupled receptors. In: Hanbook of physiology, sect 7, Academic Press inc, vol. 1, p 69-85.
  41. Vincent J-D, Lannuzel A, Barnier JV, Lledo P-M & Tardieu M (1997). Experimental study of mechanisms of neuronal death in the course of HIV infection. Acad. Natl. Med. 181, 713-724.
  42. Lledo P-M (1997). Exocytosis in excitable cells: a conserved molecular machinery from yeast to neuron. European Journal of Endocrinology 137, 1-9.
  43. Mason WT, Dempster J, Zorec R & Lledo P-M (1995). Fluorescent measurements of cytosolic calcium: combined photometry with electrophysiology. Conn PM (ed), Methods in Neurosciences, Academic Press Inc., 27, p 81-122.
  44. Lledo P-M, Pere S & Vincent J-D (1994). The reverse hemolytic plaque assay combined with electrophysiological recordings in endocrine cells. Conn PM (ed), neuroprotocols: A companion to methods in neurosciences, Academic Press, 5, p 231-240.
  45. Lledo P-M & Lapeyre P (1994). The concept of homeostasis. In: Encyclopedia of human behavior, Ramachandran VS (ed), Academic press inc., vol. 2, p 517-528.
  46. Lledo P-M, Homburger V, Vernier P, Bockaert J & Vincent J-D (1994). Coupling of dopamine receptors to ionic channels in excitable tissues. In: dopamine receptors and transporters, Niznik HB (ed), Dekker Inc., p 59-88.
  47. Mason WT, Hoyland P, Lledo P-M, Tregar R & Horton M (1994). Quantitative real-time imaging of optical probes in living cells. In: Fluorescent and luminescent probes for biological activity. Mason WT (ed), Academic press inc., p 161-195.
  48. Lledo P-M, Johannes L, Vernier P, Zorec R, Darchen F, Vincent J-D & Mason WT (1994). Rab3 proteins: key players in the control of exocytosis. Trends in Neurosciences 17, 426-432.
  49. Lledo P-M, Kukstas L & Vincent J-D (1993). Electrophysiological methods for studying endocrine cells and neurones. In: Current topics in neuroendocrinology, Ganten D & Pfaff D (eds), Springer, New-York, 11, p 193-222.
  50. Mason WT, Hoyland J, Davison I, Lledo P-M, Carew M, Shankar G, Zorec R & Horton M (1993). Technology for real time fluorescent ratio imaging in living cells using fluorescent probes for ions. In: Molecular imaging in neuroscience. NA Sharif (ed), Academic press inc., p 171-208.
  51. Lledo P-M, Kukstas L, Chen C, Vincent J-D & Israel JM (1989). Ionic currents in the regulation of stimulus-secretion coupling in normal and tumoral adenohypophyseal cells. In: Recent advances in basic and clinical neuroendocrinology, Casanueva FF (ed), Excerpta medica, New-York, 864, p 65-74.
  52. Lledo P-M, Vernier P, Vincent J-D & Zorec R (1994). New approaches in the study of stimulus-secretion coupling in anterior pituitary cells. In: Toxins and Exocytosis, D Suput and R Zorec (eds.), New-York Acad. Sciences publisher, 710, p 301-318.


  1. Lledo P-M (Feb. 2001) Histoire de la vache folle. Presses Universitaires de France. Dominique Lecourt (ed.). Book translated in Japan, Portuguese, Spanish & German.
  2. Lledo P-M (2002). Les maladies à prions. Presses Universitaires de France (Collection Que sais-je ?).
  3. Lledo P-M (2002). Manger pour vivre? Presses Universitaires de France (Forum Diderot, a collective book).
  4. Lledo P.-M. (2010). Cellules Souches et Neurobiologie. Editions O. Jacob (Ed.), a collective book “Priorité Cerveau”.
  5. Lledo P-M & Vincent J-D. (2012). Un cerveau sur mesure, Odile Jacob (Ed.), Translated in English “The Custom Made Brain” Columbia University Press.
  6. Lledo P-M & Galizia G. (2013). Textbook in Neurosciences, Springer-Verlag (Ed.).

