Research Applications and Biotechnology [530]
Brigitte Gicquel
Our team has developed genetic tools allowing the study of the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We developed the first methods using molecular biology for the rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis and study transmission. We isolated […]
Catherine Werts
Interactions hôte-microbes et pathophysiologie
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Annick Opinel
Annick Opinel, HDR (Paris VII), Ph.D (Paris X), B.A. (Middlesex Polytechnic, London) est historienne et philosophe des sciences. Elle a rejoint l’unité de pharmaco-épidémiologie et maladies infectieuses en mars 2010 après avoir travaillé au […]
Jean-Pierre Levraud
Groupe: Réponse à l’Infection dans l’Organisme Entier
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Alexandre Chenal
Sandrine VITRY
Déficits Sensoriels Progressifs, Pathophysiologie et Thérapie
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Monique Lafon
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Gilles Dadaglio
Immunobiologie et Thérapie
Pauline Robinet
Jean-Paul Latge
Claude Leclerc
Grand Programme Fédérateur Vaccinologie
Thérèse Couderc
Alexandre Leclercq
Biologie des Infections
Marc Lecuit
Biologie des Infections
Marc Lecuit, MD, PhD, is a microbiologist and an infectious diseases physician. He is the Director of the Biology of Infection Unit at the Institut Pasteur and Inserm (U1117) and of the Listeria National […]
Han Li
Plasticité cellulaire dans les pathologies liées à l’âge
We are using in vitro and in vivo reprogramming system to investigate how cellular plasticity is regulated during physiological and pathological processes. Our aim is to understand how aberrant cellular plasticity is induced during […]