Genome analysis [176]


The GenEpi-BioTrain programme: Interdisciplinary training in genomic epidemiology and public health bioinformatics
Sylvain Brisse

Joseph Josephides
Brain-immune communication

Camille Pelletier
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José F. Delgado-Blas
Biodiversity and Epidemiology of Bacterial Pathogens
After graduating in Veterinary Medicine (2014) and completing the MSc in Microbiology and Parasitology (2015) at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), I focused on the study of antimicrobial resistance. During my PhD at […]

Aude Bernheim
Molecular diversity of microbes
Aude Bernheim is a microbiologist interested in how bacteria fight off their viruses. She did her PhD in the Pasteur Institute in Paris studying the evolution of CRISPR-Cas systems and her post-doc in the […]

Translational Mycology
Alexandre Alanio

ANR PILGRIM: A panel of inbred lines to disentangle genetic and non-genetic drivers of Aedes aegypti microbiota and vectorial capacity
Louis Lambrechts • Mathilde Gendrin

Genome stability in quiescence
Benoit Arcangioli • Serge Gangloff • Stefania Francesconi • Claire Denis

ANR OM-LipAsy: Outer membrane lipid asymmetry in Veillonella parvula, an atypical diderm Firmicute
Christophe Beloin • Simonetta Gribaldo • Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre

Camille Berthelot
Comparative Functional Genomics
Camille Berthelot wants to understand how changes in gene expression and gene regulation can result in the acquisition of new traits and diseases along evolution. During her PhD at ENS Paris, she examined the […]

Alexis Criscuolo

The SARA project: Surveillance of Antibiotic Resistance in Africa, an integrative project of the Pasteur Network
Sylvain Brisse

Hélène Lopez-Maestre
Insect Infection & Immunity
I joined the Hub Team @ Pasteur as a Bioinformatician in February 2021

Olivier Mirabeau
Brain-immune communication
to complete