Biophysics [85]

Minh-Ha Nguyen
Biological NMR and HDX-MS Technological Platform
Minh-Ha Nguyen is a research engineer at the NMR platform of the Pasteur Institute. She earned her PhD in Biochemistry in 2019, specializing in protein solution NMR, at the lab of Olivier Walker in […]

Jessica Schmuck

Characterisation of molecular interactions
Equilibrium affinity constants (Kd) of protein-protein or protein-ligand interactions can be determined by performing titrations, and monitoring the extrinsic or intrinsic fluorescence of partners by Fluorescence spectroscopy (intensity or anisotropy) or by Microscale thermophoresis […]

Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI) • ForteBio • Octet Red 384
Molecular Biophysics
Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) • Beckman-Coulter • Optima
Molecular Biophysics
Clément Madru

Group: Allergy and Autoimmunity
Friederike Jönsson

Expansion of the genetic alphabet with metal base pairs
Marcel Hollenstein

Therapeutic tools based on nucleic acids
Marcel Hollenstein • Mélanie Hamon

Antoine Gedeon

Corentin Bon

Ariel Mechaly

Physics of Biological Function
Thomas Gregor

Thomas Gregor
Physics of Biological Function
I am interested in providing quantitative descriptions of the rich qualitative phenomena of complex biological systems to understand how they derive from general principles. I work at the interface between physics and biology, often […]