Bioinformatics Data Analysis and software [560]

HoloZcan – Deep Learning Powered Holographic Microscopy for Biothreat Detection on Field
Mariana Ferrari • Marie-Noelle Ungeheuer

CytoFlex S – Cytometer • Beckman Coulter
Flow Cytometry Platform
The SARA project: Surveillance of Antibiotic Resistance in Africa, an integrative project of the Pasteur Network
Sylvain Brisse

Host parasite metabolic interactions
Liliana Mancio Silva

Symphony S6 – Cell sorter • BD
Flow Cytometry Platform
FACSAria Fusion – Cell sorters • BD
Flow Cytometry Platform
Alexis Criscuolo

Tiziano Vignolini
Parasite RNA Biology

Cytometry Protocols
Sophie Novault

Johann Dreo
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Scientific interests: optimization, search (meta)heuristics, explainable artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithm design and engineering, graph mining, semantic knowledge graphs, reproducibility, systems biomedicine. I’m currently working on: Wants to know (a lot) more? See my […]

Hélène Lopez-Maestre
Insect Infection & Immunity
I joined the Hub Team @ Pasteur as a Bioinformatician in February 2021

Olivier Mirabeau
Brain-immune communication
to complete

Elise Jacquemet
Expertise group : Stats
I joined the Hub as a research engineer in January 2021. As a member of the Statistical Group, my skills and activities are mainly focused on Biostatisctics and tools development for data analysis. I […]

Victoire Baillet
Expertise group: GORE – Genome Organization Regulation and Expression
I am a geneticist by training with a strong interest in understanding the molecular basis of phenotypic variation, a grand scientific question that gradually pushed me to hang up the pipettes and transition to […]

George Shirreff
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
I am a post-doctoral researcher in infectious disease epidemiology and modelling at Institut Pasteur and Centre de recherche en épidémiologie et santé des populations (CESP) at INSERM. I work closely with Lulla Opatowski, Didier […]