The Zebrafish Projects Hub (Zorgl’hub) aims to provide Pasteur research groups with the possibility to conduct short term zebrafish trial projects,
- as a functional complement to existing projects using other models/cells or
- to obtain proof of principle evidence to support grant applications.
Why the zebrafish (click here) ?
Who ?
Unit Zebrafish Neurogenetics (ZEN): developmental biology / cell biology / neuroscience
Resp. : Laure Bally-Cuif
What services?
- Production of zebrafish embryos and adults
- Zebrafish husbandry
- Support to developmental biology, cell biology and neuroscience projects
Prices cover only consumables and equipment depreciation.
The exact services offered and approximate prices can be downloaded here.
What we do not offer : click here
Example of a pipeline:
Current projects
Identification of Tunneling Nanotubes in vivo Chiara Zurzolo, Anna Pepe, Diégo Cordero Cervantes, Department of Cell Biology & Infection, Pasteur Institute, Paris FR
Production of wildtype embryos to study microbiota-based resistance to bacterial infection in zebrafish larvae David Perez-Pascual, Bianca Audrain and Jean-Marc Ghigo, Genetics of Biofilms Unit, Institut Pasteur
Investigation of mechanisms allowing resurgence of infection during in vivo evolution of E. coli clinical strains Stanislas Thiriet Rupert, David Perez-Pascual, Christophe Beloin, Jean-Marc Ghigo, Genetic of Biofilm Unit, Institut Pasteur
Investigating the spatio-temporal distribution of mycolactone in vivo using zebrafish Emma Colucci-Guyon, Laure Guenin-Macé and Caroline Demangel, Immunobiology of Infection Unit, Institut Pasteur, INSERM U1221, Paris, France
The zebrafish as a model to study Legionella pneumophila pathogenesis and the host immune response in vivo Emma Colucci-Guyon, Carmen Buchrieser, Institut Pasteur, Biologie des Bactéries Intracellulaires and CNRS UMR 3525
Illuminating cellular and molecular mechanisms by which hypervirulent group B Streptococcus infects the brain Emma Colucci-Guyon, Julie Guignot and Claire Poyart, Bactéries et Perinatalité team, Institut Cochin, Paris.
Investigating cellular and molecular mechanisms of ADP-heptose sensing and TIFAsomes dynamics in vivo using zebrafish Emma Colucci-Guyon, Cecile Arrieumerlou, Cell signaling in bacterial infections team, Institut Cochin, Paris France
HAB, a novel small-molecule fluorogenic probe highlighting the dynamics of neutrophil granules in vivo Emma Colucci-Guyon, Romain DUVAL (IRD Researcher, HAB project co-leader) UMR 261 MERIT, IRD, Université de Paris, Paris 75006, France
SPACES (Specific Probe-Associated Cellular Systems): “Illuminating cell biology with natural fluorophores” Emma Colucci-Guyon, Romain DUVAL (IRD Researcher, SPACES project leader)UMR 261 MERIT, IRD, Université de Paris, Paris, 75006, France