The Zebrafish Projects Hub (Zorgl’hub) aims to provide Pasteur research groups with the possibility to conduct short term zebrafish trial projects,
- as a functional complement to existing projects using other models/cells or
- to obtain proof of principle evidence to support grant applications.
Why the zebrafish ?
The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is an ideal vertebrate model to study developmental, physiological and pathological processes, including infectious diseases. It is genetically close to human, and shares most molecular and cellular pathways with mammals, including immune cells and pathways. It is excellent for live imaging, high throughput screening studies, gene knockdown or overexpression in embryos. This offers the unique opportunity to study in vivo the molecular and cellular underpinnings of physiological processes.

Who ?
Unit Zebrafish Neurogenetics (ZEN): developmental biology / cell biology / neuroscience
Resp. : Laure Bally-Cuif
What services?
- Production of zebrafish embryos, juveniles and adults (live animals and tissues)
- Zebrafish husbandry
- Support to developmental biology, cell biology and neuroscience projects
Prices cover only consumables and equipment depreciation.
Example of a pipeline:

Current projects
Identification of Tunneling Nanotubes in neural stem cells in vivo Chiara Zurzolo, Shiyu Liu, Department of Cell Biology & Infection, Institut Pasteur
Development of a model of infection in zebrafish Enzo Gadin, Olivier Disson, Marc Lecuit, Biology of Infection Unit, Institut Pasteur
Previous projects
Identification of tunneling nanotubes in zebrafish embryo, Chiara Zurzolo, Olga Korenkova, Department of Cell Biology & Infection, Institut Pasteur, 2018-2022
Investigation of principles of microbiota-based colonization resistance in zebrafish larvae, Jean-Marc Ghigo, David Perez-Pascual, Rebecca Stevick, Department of Microbiology, Institut Pasteur, 2018-2021
Zebrafish larvae immune response after Yersinia ruckeri infection, Jean-Marc Ghigo, David Perez-Pascual, Rebecca Stevick, Department of Microbiology, Institut Pasteur, 2020-2023
Related publications
Olga Korenkova, Shiyu Liu, Inès Prlesi, Anna Pepe, Shahad Albadri, et al.. Tunneling nanotubes
enable intercellular transfer in zebrafish embryos. 2024. pasteur-04626630
Adade EE, Stevick RJ, Pérez-Pascual D, Ghigo JM, Valm AM. Gnotobiotic zebrafish microbiota display inter-individual variability affecting host physiology. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Feb 1:2023.02.01.526612. doi: 10.1101/2023.02.01.526612. PMID: 36778358; PMCID: PMC9915576.
Stevick, R.J., Audrain, B., Bedu, S. et al. Anti-diarrheal drug loperamide induces dysbiosis in zebrafish microbiota via bacterial inhibition. Microbiome 11, 252 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-023-01690-z